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2024-07-08 01:49:38 +00:00
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { set: lodashset, get: lodashget } = require("@11ty/lodash-custom");
const { TemplatePath, isPlainObject } = require("@11ty/eleventy-utils");
const merge = require("./Util/Merge");
const unique = require("./Util/Unique");
const TemplateGlob = require("./TemplateGlob");
const EleventyExtensionMap = require("./EleventyExtensionMap");
const EleventyBaseError = require("./EleventyBaseError");
const TemplateDataInitialGlobalData = require("./TemplateDataInitialGlobalData");
const { EleventyRequire } = require("./Util/Require");
const debugWarn = require("debug")("Eleventy:Warnings");
const debug = require("debug")("Eleventy:TemplateData");
const debugDev = require("debug")("Dev:Eleventy:TemplateData");
class FSExistsCache {
constructor() {
this._cache = new Map();
has(path) {
return this._cache.has(path);
exists(path) {
let exists = this._cache.get(path);
if (!this.has(path)) {
exists = fs.existsSync(path);
this._cache.set(path, exists);
return exists;
markExists(path, value = true) {
this._cache.set(path, !!value);
class TemplateDataConfigError extends EleventyBaseError {}
class TemplateDataParseError extends EleventyBaseError {}
class TemplateData {
constructor(inputDir, eleventyConfig) {
if (!eleventyConfig) {
throw new TemplateDataConfigError("Missing `config`.");
this.eleventyConfig = eleventyConfig;
this.config = this.eleventyConfig.getConfig();
this.benchmarks = {
data: this.config.benchmarkManager.get("Data"),
aggregate: this.config.benchmarkManager.get("Aggregate"),
this.inputDirNeedsCheck = false;
this.rawImports = {};
this.globalData = null;
this.templateDirectoryData = {};
// It's common for data files not to exist, so we avoid going to the FS to
// re-check if they do via a quick-and-dirty cache.
this._fsExistsCache = new FSExistsCache();
this.initialGlobalData = new TemplateDataInitialGlobalData(this.eleventyConfig);
setFileSystemSearch(fileSystemSearch) {
this.fileSystemSearch = fileSystemSearch;
get extensionMap() {
if (!this._extensionMap) {
this._extensionMap = new EleventyExtensionMap([], this.eleventyConfig);
return this._extensionMap;
set extensionMap(map) {
this._extensionMap = map;
get environmentVariables() {
return this._env;
set environmentVariables(env) {
this._env = env;
/* Used by tests */
_setConfig(config) {
this.config = config;
setInputDir(inputDir) {
this.inputDirNeedsCheck = true;
this.inputDir = inputDir;
this.dataDir =
? TemplatePath.join(inputDir,
: inputDir;
getRawImports() {
let pkgPath = TemplatePath.absolutePath("package.json");
try {
this.rawImports[this.config.keys.package] = require(pkgPath);
} catch (e) {
debug("Could not find and/or require package.json for data preprocessing at %o", pkgPath);
return this.rawImports;
getDataDir() {
return this.dataDir;
clearData() {
this.globalData = null;
this.configApiGlobalData = null;
this.templateDirectoryData = {};
_getGlobalDataGlobByExtension(dir, extension) {
return TemplateGlob.normalizePath(
"/", !== "." ? : "",
async _checkInputDir() {
if (this.inputDirNeedsCheck) {
let globalPathStat = await fs.promises.stat(this.inputDir);
if (!globalPathStat.isDirectory()) {
throw new Error("Could not find data path directory: " + this.inputDir);
this.inputDirNeedsCheck = false;
async getInputDir() {
let dir = ".";
if (this.inputDir) {
await this._checkInputDir();
dir = this.inputDir;
return dir;
// This is a backwards compatibility helper with the old `jsDataFileSuffix` configuration API
getDataFileSuffixes() {
// New API
if (Array.isArray(this.config.dataFileSuffixes)) {
return this.config.dataFileSuffixes;
// Backwards compatibility
if (this.config.jsDataFileSuffix) {
let suffixes = [];
suffixes.push(this.config.jsDataFileSuffix); // e.g. filename.11tydata.json
suffixes.push(""); // suffix-less for free with old API, e.g. filename.json
return suffixes;
return []; // if both of these entries are set to false, use no files
// This is used exclusively for --watch and --serve chokidar targets
async getTemplateDataFileGlob() {
let suffixes = this.getDataFileSuffixes();
let globSuffixesWithLeadingDot = new Set();
globSuffixesWithLeadingDot.add("json"); // covers .11tydata.json too
let globSuffixesWithoutLeadingDot = new Set();
// Typically using [ '.11tydata', '' ] suffixes to find data files
for (let suffix of suffixes) {
// TODO the `suffix` truthiness check is purely for backwards compat?
if (suffix && typeof suffix === "string") {
if (suffix.startsWith(".")) {
// .suffix.js
} else {
// "suffix.js" without leading dot
globSuffixesWithoutLeadingDot.add(`${suffix || ""}.cjs`);
globSuffixesWithoutLeadingDot.add(`${suffix || ""}.js`);
// Configuration Data Extensions e.g. yaml
if (this.hasUserDataExtensions()) {
for (let extension of this.getUserDataExtensions()) {
globSuffixesWithLeadingDot.add(extension); // covers .11tydata.{extension} too
let dir = await this.getInputDir();
let paths = [];
if (globSuffixesWithLeadingDot.size > 0) {
if (globSuffixesWithoutLeadingDot.size > 0) {
return TemplatePath.addLeadingDotSlashArray(paths);
// For spidering dependencies
// TODO Can we reuse getTemplateDataFileGlob instead? Maybe just filter off the .json files before scanning for dependencies
async getTemplateJavaScriptDataFileGlob() {
let dir = await this.getInputDir();
let paths = [];
let suffixes = this.getDataFileSuffixes();
for (let suffix of suffixes) {
if (suffix) {
// TODO this check is purely for backwards compat and I kinda feel like it shouldnt be here
// paths.push(`${dir}/**/*${suffix || ""}.cjs`); // Same as above
paths.push(`${dir}/**/*${suffix || ""}.js`);
return TemplatePath.addLeadingDotSlashArray(paths);
async getGlobalDataGlob() {
let dir = await this.getInputDir();
let extGlob = this.getGlobalDataExtensionPriorities().join(",");
return [this._getGlobalDataGlobByExtension(dir, "{" + extGlob + "}")];
getWatchPathCache() {
return this.pathCache;
getGlobalDataExtensionPriorities() {
return this.getUserDataExtensions().concat(["json", "cjs", "js"]);
static calculateExtensionPriority(path, priorities) {
for (let i = 0; i < priorities.length; i++) {
let ext = priorities[i];
if (path.endsWith(ext)) {
return i;
return priorities.length;
async getGlobalDataFiles() {
let priorities = this.getGlobalDataExtensionPriorities();
let fsBench = this.benchmarks.aggregate.get("Searching the file system (data)");
let globs = await this.getGlobalDataGlob();
let paths = await"global-data", globs);
// sort paths according to extension priorities
// here we use reverse ordering, because paths with bigger index in array will override the first ones
// example [path/file.json, path/file.js] here js will override json
paths = paths.sort((first, second) => {
let p1 = TemplateData.calculateExtensionPriority(first, priorities);
let p2 = TemplateData.calculateExtensionPriority(second, priorities);
if (p1 < p2) {
return -1;
if (p1 > p2) {
return 1;
return 0;
this.pathCache = paths;
return paths;
getObjectPathForDataFile(dataFilePath) {
let reducedPath = TemplatePath.stripLeadingSubPath(dataFilePath, this.dataDir);
let parsed = path.parse(reducedPath);
let folders = parsed.dir ? parsed.dir.split("/") : [];
return folders;
async getAllGlobalData() {
let rawImports = this.getRawImports();
let globalData = {};
let files = TemplatePath.addLeadingDotSlashArray(await this.getGlobalDataFiles());"eleventy.globalDataFiles", files);
let dataFileConflicts = {};
for (let j = 0, k = files.length; j < k; j++) {
let data = await this.getDataValue(files[j], rawImports);
let objectPathTarget = this.getObjectPathForDataFile(files[j]);
// Since we're joining directory paths and an array is not useable as an objectkey since two identical arrays are not double equal,
// we can just join the array by a forbidden character ("/"" is chosen here, since it works on Linux, Mac and Windows).
// If at some point this isn't enough anymore, it would be possible to just use JSON.stringify(objectPathTarget) since that
// is guaranteed to work but is signifivcantly slower.
let objectPathTargetString = objectPathTarget.join(path.sep);
// if two global files have the same path (but different extensions)
// and conflict, lets merge them.
if (dataFileConflicts[objectPathTargetString]) {
`merging global data from ${files[j]} with an already existing global data file (${dataFileConflicts[objectPathTargetString]}). Overriding existing keys.`
let oldData = lodashget(globalData, objectPathTarget);
data = TemplateData.mergeDeep(this.config, oldData, data);
dataFileConflicts[objectPathTargetString] = files[j];
debug(`Found global data file ${files[j]} and adding as: ${objectPathTarget}`);
lodashset(globalData, objectPathTarget, data);
return globalData;
async getInitialGlobalData() {
if (!this.configApiGlobalData) {
this.configApiGlobalData = new Promise(async (resolve) => {
let globalData = await this.initialGlobalData.getData();
if (this.environmentVariables) {
if (!("env" in globalData.eleventy)) {
globalData.eleventy.env = {};
Object.assign(globalData.eleventy.env, this.environmentVariables);
return this.configApiGlobalData;
async getGlobalData() {
let rawImports = this.getRawImports();
if (!this.globalData) {
this.globalData = new Promise(async (resolve) => {
let configApiGlobalData = await this.getInitialGlobalData();
let globalJson = await this.getAllGlobalData();
let mergedGlobalData = merge(globalJson, configApiGlobalData);
// OK: Shallow merge when combining rawImports (pkg) with global data files
resolve(Object.assign({}, mergedGlobalData, rawImports));
return this.globalData;
/* Template and Directory data files */
async combineLocalData(localDataPaths) {
let localData = {};
if (!Array.isArray(localDataPaths)) {
localDataPaths = [localDataPaths];
// Filter out files we know don't exist to avoid overhead for checking
localDataPaths = localDataPaths.filter((path) => {
return this._fsExistsCache.exists(path);
});"eleventy.dataFiles", localDataPaths);
if (!localDataPaths.length) {
return localData;
let dataSource = {};
for (let path of localDataPaths) {
let dataForPath = await this.getDataValue(path, null, true);
if (!isPlainObject(dataForPath)) {
"Warning: Template and Directory data files expect an object to be returned, instead `%o` returned `%o`",
} else {
// clean up data for template/directory data files only.
let cleanedDataForPath = TemplateData.cleanupData(dataForPath);
for (let key in cleanedDataForPath) {
if (dataSource.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
"Local data files have conflicting data. Overwriting '%s' with data from '%s'. Previous data location was from '%s'",
dataSource[key] = path;
TemplateData.mergeDeep(this.config, localData, cleanedDataForPath);
return localData;
async getTemplateDirectoryData(templatePath) {
if (!this.templateDirectoryData[templatePath]) {
let localDataPaths = await this.getLocalDataPaths(templatePath);
let importedData = await this.combineLocalData(localDataPaths);
this.templateDirectoryData[templatePath] = Object.assign({}, importedData);
return this.templateDirectoryData[templatePath];
getUserDataExtensions() {
if (!this.config.dataExtensions) {
return [];
// returning extensions in reverse order to create proper extension order
// later added formats will override first ones
return Array.from(this.config.dataExtensions.keys()).reverse();
getUserDataParser(extension) {
return this.config.dataExtensions.get(extension);
isUserDataExtension(extension) {
return this.config.dataExtensions && this.config.dataExtensions.has(extension);
hasUserDataExtensions() {
return this.config.dataExtensions && this.config.dataExtensions.size > 0;
async _loadFileContents(path, options = {}) {
let rawInput;
let encoding = "utf8";
if ("encoding" in options) {
encoding = options.encoding;
try {
rawInput = await fs.promises.readFile(path, encoding);
} catch (e) {
// if file does not exist, return nothing
// Can return a buffer, string, etc
if (typeof rawInput === "string") {
return rawInput.trim();
return rawInput;
async _parseDataFile(path, rawImports, ignoreProcessing, parser, options = {}) {
let readFile = !("read" in options) || === true;
let rawInput;
if (readFile) {
rawInput = await this._loadFileContents(path, options);
if (readFile && !rawInput) {
return {};
try {
if (readFile) {
return parser(rawInput, path);
} else {
// path as a first argument is when `read: false`
// path as a second argument is for consistency with `read: true` API
return parser(path, path);
} catch (e) {
throw new TemplateDataParseError(`Having trouble parsing data file ${path}`, e);
// ignoreProcessing = false for global data files
// ignoreProcessing = true for local data files
async getDataValue(path, rawImports, ignoreProcessing) {
let extension = TemplatePath.getExtension(path);
if (extension === "js" || extension === "cjs") {
// JS data file or required JSON (no preprocessing needed)
let localPath = TemplatePath.absolutePath(path);
let exists = this._fsExistsCache.exists(localPath);
// Make sure that relative lookups benefit from cache
this._fsExistsCache.markExists(path, exists);
if (!exists) {
return {};
let aggregateDataBench = this.benchmarks.aggregate.get("Data File");
let dataBench =`\`${path}\``);
let returnValue = EleventyRequire(localPath);
// TODO special exception for Global data `permalink.js`
// module.exports = (data) => `${}/`; // Does not work
// module.exports = () => ((data) => `${}/`); // Works
if (typeof returnValue === "function") {
let configApiGlobalData = await this.getInitialGlobalData();
returnValue = await returnValue(configApiGlobalData || {});
return returnValue;
} else if (this.isUserDataExtension(extension)) {
// Other extensions
let { parser, options } = this.getUserDataParser(extension);
return this._parseDataFile(path, rawImports, ignoreProcessing, parser, options);
} else if (extension === "json") {
// File to string, parse with JSON (preprocess)
const parser = (content) => JSON.parse(content);
return this._parseDataFile(path, rawImports, ignoreProcessing, parser);
} else {
throw new TemplateDataParseError(
`Could not find an appropriate data parser for ${path}. Do you need to add a plugin to your config file?`
_pushExtensionsToPaths(paths, curpath, extensions) {
for (let extension of extensions) {
paths.push(curpath + "." + extension);
_addBaseToPaths(paths, base, extensions, nonEmptySuffixesOnly = false) {
let suffixes = this.getDataFileSuffixes();
for (let suffix of suffixes) {
suffix = suffix || "";
if (nonEmptySuffixesOnly && suffix === "") {
// data suffix
if (suffix) {
paths.push(base + suffix + ".js");
paths.push(base + suffix + ".cjs");
paths.push(base + suffix + ".json"); // default: .11tydata.json
// inject user extensions
this._pushExtensionsToPaths(paths, base + suffix, extensions);
async getLocalDataPaths(templatePath) {
let paths = [];
let parsed = path.parse(templatePath);
let inputDir = TemplatePath.addLeadingDotSlash(TemplatePath.normalize(this.inputDir));
debugDev("getLocalDataPaths(%o)", templatePath);
debugDev("parsed.dir: %o", parsed.dir);
let userExtensions = this.getUserDataExtensions();
if (parsed.dir) {
let fileNameNoExt = this.extensionMap.removeTemplateExtension(parsed.base);
// default dataSuffix: .11tydata, is appended in _addBaseToPaths
debug("Using %o suffixes to find data files.", this.getDataFileSuffixes());
// Template data file paths
let filePathNoExt = parsed.dir + "/" + fileNameNoExt;
this._addBaseToPaths(paths, filePathNoExt, userExtensions);
// Directory data file paths
let allDirs = TemplatePath.getAllDirs(parsed.dir);
debugDev("allDirs: %o", allDirs);
for (let dir of allDirs) {
let lastDir = TemplatePath.getLastPathSegment(dir);
let dirPathNoExt = dir + "/" + lastDir;
if (inputDir) {
debugDev("dirStr: %o; inputDir: %o", dir, inputDir);
if (!inputDir || (dir.startsWith(inputDir) && dir !== inputDir)) {
if (this.config.dataFileDirBaseNameOverride) {
let indexDataFile = dir + "/" + this.config.dataFileDirBaseNameOverride;
this._addBaseToPaths(paths, indexDataFile, userExtensions, true);
} else {
this._addBaseToPaths(paths, dirPathNoExt, userExtensions);
// 0.11.0+ include root input dir files
// if using `docs/` as input dir, looks for docs/docs.json et al
if (inputDir) {
let lastInputDir = TemplatePath.addLeadingDotSlash(
TemplatePath.join(inputDir, TemplatePath.getLastPathSegment(inputDir))
// in root input dir, search for index.11tydata.json et al
if (this.config.dataFileDirBaseNameOverride) {
let indexDataFile =
TemplatePath.getDirFromFilePath(lastInputDir) +
"/" +
this._addBaseToPaths(paths, indexDataFile, userExtensions, true);
} else if (lastInputDir !== "./") {
this._addBaseToPaths(paths, lastInputDir, userExtensions);
debug("getLocalDataPaths(%o): %o", templatePath, paths);
return unique(paths).reverse();
static mergeDeep(config, target, ...source) {
if (config.dataDeepMerge) {
return TemplateData.merge(target, ...source);
} else {
return Object.assign(target, ...source);
static merge(target, ...source) {
return merge(target, ...source);
static cleanupData(data) {
if (isPlainObject(data) && "tags" in data) {
if (typeof data.tags === "string") {
data.tags = data.tags ? [data.tags] : [];
} else if (data.tags === null) {
data.tags = [];
// Deduplicate tags
data.tags = [ Set(data.tags)];
return data;
async getServerlessPathData() {
let configApiGlobalData = await this.getInitialGlobalData();
return configApiGlobalData?.eleventy?.serverless?.path;
module.exports = TemplateData;