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2024-07-07 18:49:38 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs/promises')
const Liquid = require('..').Liquid
// Preserve compatibility by falling back to legacy CLI behavior if:
// - stdin is redirected (i.e. not connected to a terminal) AND
// - there are either no arguments, or only a single argument which does not start with a dash
// TODO: Remove this fallback for 11.0
let renderPromise = null
if (!process.stdin.isTTY && (process.argv.length === 2 || (process.argv.length === 3 && !process.argv[2].startsWith('-')))) {
renderPromise = renderLegacy()
} else {
renderPromise = render()
renderPromise.catch(err => {
process.exitCode = 1
async function render () {
const { program } = require('commander')
.description('Render a Liquid template')
.requiredOption('-t, --template <liquid | @path>', 'liquid template to render (@- to read from stdin)') // TODO: Change to argument in 11.0
.option('-c, --context <json | @path>', 'input context in JSON format (@- to read from stdin)')
.option('-o, --output <path>', 'write rendered output to file (omit to write to stdout)')
.option('--cache [size]', 'cache previously parsed template structures (default cache size: 1024)')
.option('--extname <string>', 'use a default filename extension when resolving partials and layouts')
.option('--jekyll-include', 'use jekyll-style include (pass parameters to include variable of current scope)')
.option('--js-truthy', 'use JavaScript-style truthiness')
.option('--layouts <path...>', 'directories from where to resolve layouts (defaults to --root)')
.option('--lenient-if', 'do not throw on undefined variables in conditional expressions (when using --strict-variables)')
.option('--no-dynamic-partials', 'always treat file paths for partials and layouts as a literal value')
.option('--no-greedy', 'disable greedy matching for --trim* options')
.option('--no-relative-reference', 'require absolute file paths for partials and layouts')
.option('--ordered-filter-parameters', 'respect parameter order when using filters')
.option('--output-delimiter-left <string>', 'left delimiter to use for liquid outputs')
.option('--output-delimiter-right <string>', 'right delimiter to use for liquid outputs')
.option('--partials <path...>', 'directories from where to resolve partials (defaults to --root)')
.option('--preserve-timezones', 'preserve input timezone in date filter')
.option('--root <path...>', 'directories from where to resolve partials and layouts (defaults to ".")')
.option('--strict-filters', 'throw on undefined filters instead of skipping them')
.option('--strict-variables', 'throw on undefined variables instead of rendering them as empty string')
.option('--tag-delimiter-left', 'left delimiter to use for liquid tags')
.option('--tag-delimiter-right', 'right delimiter to use for liquid tags')
.option('--timezone-offset <value>', 'JavaScript timezone name or timezoneOffset value to use in date filter (defaults to local timezone)')
.option('--trim-output-left', 'trim whitespace from left of liquid outputs')
.option('--trim-output-right', 'trim whitespace from right of liquid outputs')
.option('--trim-tag-left', 'trim whitespace from left of liquid tags')
.option('--trim-tag-right', 'trim whitespace from right of liquid tags')
.showHelpAfterError('Use -h or --help for additional information.')
const options = program.opts()
if (Object.values(options).filter((value) => value === '@-').length > 1) {
throw new Error(`The stdin input specifier '@-' must only be used once.`)
const template = await resolveInputOption(options.template)
const context = await resolveContext(options.context)
const liquid = new Liquid(options)
const output = liquid.parseAndRenderSync(template, context)
if (options.output) {
await fs.writeFile(options.output, output)
} else {
async function resolveContext (contextOption) {
let contextJson = '{}'
if (contextOption) {
contextJson = await resolveInputOption(contextOption)
const context = JSON.parse(contextJson)
return context
async function resolveInputOption (option) {
let content = null
if (option) {
if (option === '@-') {
content = await readStream(process.stdin)
} else if (option.startsWith('@')) {
const filePath = option.slice(1)
const stat = await fs.stat(filePath, { throwIfNoEntry: false })
if (!stat || !stat.isFile) {
throw new Error(`'${filePath}' does not exist or is not a file`)
content = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8')
} else {
content = option
return content
async function readStream (stream) {
const chunks = []
for await (const chunk of stream) {
return Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8')
// TODO: Remove for 11.0
async function renderLegacy () {
process.stderr.write('Reading template from stdin. This mode will be removed in next major version, use --template option instead.\n')
const contextArg = process.argv.slice(2)[0]
let context = {}
if (contextArg) {
const contextJson = await resolveInputOptionLegacy(contextArg)
context = JSON.parse(contextJson)
const template = await readStream(process.stdin)
const liquid = new Liquid()
const output = liquid.parseAndRenderSync(template, context)
// TODO: Remove for 11.0
async function resolveInputOptionLegacy (option) {
let content = null
if (option) {
const stat = await fs.stat(option).catch(e => null)
if (stat && stat.isFile) {
content = await fs.readFile(option, 'utf8')
} else {
content = option
return content