import {ContextualKeyword} from "./keywords"; import { TokenType as tt} from "./types"; export class Scope { constructor(startTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, isFunctionScope) { this.startTokenIndex = startTokenIndex; this.endTokenIndex = endTokenIndex; this.isFunctionScope = isFunctionScope; } } export class StateSnapshot { constructor( potentialArrowAt, noAnonFunctionType, inDisallowConditionalTypesContext, tokensLength, scopesLength, pos, type, contextualKeyword, start, end, isType, scopeDepth, error, ) {;this.potentialArrowAt = potentialArrowAt;this.noAnonFunctionType = noAnonFunctionType;this.inDisallowConditionalTypesContext = inDisallowConditionalTypesContext;this.tokensLength = tokensLength;this.scopesLength = scopesLength;this.pos = pos;this.type = type;this.contextualKeyword = contextualKeyword;this.start = start;this.end = end;this.isType = isType;this.scopeDepth = scopeDepth;this.error = error;} } export default class State {constructor() {;;;;;;;;;;;;; } // Used to signify the start of a potential arrow function __init() {this.potentialArrowAt = -1} // Used by Flow to handle an edge case involving function type parsing. __init2() {this.noAnonFunctionType = false} // Used by TypeScript to handle ambiguities when parsing conditional types. __init3() {this.inDisallowConditionalTypesContext = false} // Token store. __init4() {this.tokens = []} // Array of all observed scopes, ordered by their ending position. __init5() {this.scopes = []} // The current position of the tokenizer in the input. __init6() {this.pos = 0} // Information about the current token. __init7() {this.type = tt.eof} __init8() {this.contextualKeyword = ContextualKeyword.NONE} __init9() {this.start = 0} __init10() {this.end = 0} __init11() {this.isType = false} __init12() {this.scopeDepth = 0} /** * If the parser is in an error state, then the token is always tt.eof and all functions can * keep executing but should be written so they don't get into an infinite loop in this situation. * * This approach, combined with the ability to snapshot and restore state, allows us to implement * backtracking without exceptions and without needing to explicitly propagate error states * everywhere. */ __init13() {this.error = null} snapshot() { return new StateSnapshot( this.potentialArrowAt, this.noAnonFunctionType, this.inDisallowConditionalTypesContext, this.tokens.length, this.scopes.length, this.pos, this.type, this.contextualKeyword, this.start, this.end, this.isType, this.scopeDepth, this.error, ); } restoreFromSnapshot(snapshot) { this.potentialArrowAt = snapshot.potentialArrowAt; this.noAnonFunctionType = snapshot.noAnonFunctionType; this.inDisallowConditionalTypesContext = snapshot.inDisallowConditionalTypesContext; this.tokens.length = snapshot.tokensLength; this.scopes.length = snapshot.scopesLength; this.pos = snapshot.pos; this.type = snapshot.type; this.contextualKeyword = snapshot.contextualKeyword; this.start = snapshot.start; this.end = snapshot.end; this.isType = snapshot.isType; this.scopeDepth = snapshot.scopeDepth; this.error = snapshot.error; } }