## Preview
You can check out one of our deployed examples
## Usage
1. Install the plugin
$ npm install -D @catppuccin/tailwindcss
# --- or ---
$ yarn add -D @catppuccin/tailwindcss
2. Configure your `tailwind.config.js`
module.exports = {
// ...other settings
plugins: [require("@catppuccin/tailwindcss")],
3. _Optional:_ customize the plugin
module.exports = {
// ...other settings
plugins: [
// prefix to use, e.g. `text-pink` becomes `text-ctp-pink`.
// default is `false`, which means no prefix
prefix: "ctp",
// which flavour of colours to use by default, in the `:root`
defaultFlavour: "latte",
4. Use it in your markup!
Hello world!
You can find examples for Next.js, Svelte, and Vite in the `examples` folder.
## 💝 Thanks to
- [winston](https://github.com/nekowinston)
- [Adal Zanabria](https://github.com/AdalZanabria)

Copyright © 2021-present Catppuccin Org