'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var haml = require('../lib/haml'); describe('haml', function () { describe('.version', function () { it('should be a triplet', function () { haml.version.should.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/); }); }); describe('.compile()', function () { it('should return a function', function () { var fn = haml.compile('%foo= bar'); fn({ bar: 'baz' }).should.equal('\nbaz'); }); }); describe('Parser', function () { it('should be available for extension', function () { haml.Parser.should.not.equal(undefined); }); }); describe('.renderFile()', function () { it('should render the given file', function (done) { haml.renderFile(__dirname + '/fixtures/class.haml', 'utf8', {}, function (err, html) { html = html.trim() var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/class.html').toString() console.log(JSON.stringify(html), JSON.stringify(expected)) html.should.equal(expected) done() }); }); }); describe('.render()', function () { var assertAs, assert, assertXML; // Prepare helper functions before(function () { assertAs = function(name, type, options) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/' + name + '.haml').toString(); try { var html = haml.render(str, options).trim(); var expected = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/' + name + '.' + type).toString().trim(); html.should.equal(expected); } catch (err) { throw err; } }; assert = function(name, options) { assertAs(name, 'html', options, 'CRLF', '\r\n'); }; assertXML = function(name, options) { assertAs(name, 'xml', options, 'CRLF', '\r\n'); }; }); it('should allow passing of a context object', function () { assert('context', { context: 'yay' }); }); it('should allow passing of literals', function () { assert('literals', { locals: { user: 'tj' }}); }); it('should not fail on trailing indents', function () { assert('trailing-indent'); }); it('should add xml support via the "xml" option', function () { assertXML('feed', { xml: true }); }); it('should support xml namespaces', function () { assertXML('namespace'); }); it('should utilize "filename" option when an error is thrown', function () { try { assert('error', { filename: 'error.haml' }); } catch (err) { err.message.should.eql('(error.haml):3 invalid indentation; got 3, when previous was 1'); } }); it('should default filename to "Haml" when an error is thrown', function () { try { assert('error'); } catch (err) { err.message.should.eql('(Haml):3 invalid indentation; got 3, when previous was 1'); } }); it('should bitch when "cache" is true without a filename given', function () { // -{ assert('tag.simple', { cache: true }) }.should.throw_error }); it('should pre-compiled and cache when "cache" is true', function () { assert('tag.simple', { cache: true, filename: 'tag.simple.haml' }); assert('tag.simple', { cache: true, filename: 'tag.simple.haml' }); }); describe('\\n', function () { it('should support blank lines', function () { assert('newlines'); }); it('should support blank lines within tags', function () { assert('newlines.within-tags'); }); }); describe('.class', function () { it('should output a div with the given class', function () { assert('class'); }); it('should work with several classes', function () { assert('classes'); }); }); describe('#id', function () { it('should output a div with the given id', function () { assert('id'); }); }); describe('%tag', function () { it('should work with no text or block', function () { assert('tag.simple'); }); it('should work with text', function () { assert('tag.text'); }); it('should work with block text', function () { assert('tag.text.block'); }); it('should work with blocks of text and tags', function () { assert('tag.text.block.complex'); }); it('should work with many classes / ids / attrs', function () { assert('tag.complex'); }); it('should allow empty tags', function () { assert('tag.empty'); }); }); describe('%tag.class', function () { it('should output tag with a class', function () { assert('tag.class'); }); it('should work with several classes', function () { assert('tag.classes'); }); it('should work with both .class and class=\'another-class\'', function () { assert('tag.class.attribute'); }); it('should support self-closing tags', function () { assert('tag.self-close'); }); }); describe('%tag!=', function () { it('should output the evaluated code', function () { assert('tag.code'); }); it('should not escape output', function () { assert('tag.code.no-escape'); }); }); describe('%tag=', function () { it('should escape the evaluated code', function () { assert('tag.escape'); }); }); describe('%namespace:tag', function () { it('should output a tag with a namespace prefix', function () { assert('namespace.tag'); }); }); describe('{...}', function () { it('should be mapped as html attributes', function () { assert('tag.attrs'); }); it('should escape values', function () { assert('tag.attrs.escape'); }); it('should allow booleans', function () { assert('tag.attrs.bools'); }); }); describe('!!!', function () { it('should default the doctype to 1.0 transitional', function () { assert('doctype'); }); }); describe('!!! NAME', function () { it('should output a specific doctype', function () { assert('doctype.xml'); }); it('should be case-insensitive', function () { assert('doctype.xml.case'); }); }); describe('nesting', function () { it('should work when nested downwards', function () { assert('nesting.simple'); }); it('should work when blocks outdent', function () { assert('nesting.complex'); }); }); describe('- code', function () { it('should work with if statements', function () { assert('code.if'); }); it('should work with if / else statements', function () { assert('code.if.else'); }); it('should work when nested', function () { assert('code.nested'); }); }); describe('- each', function () { it('should iterate', function () { assert('code.each', { locals: { items: ['one', 'two', 'three'] }}); assert('code.each.non-enumerable', { locals: { items: null }}); }); it('should iterate objects', function () { assert('code.each', { locals: { items: { 0: 'one', 1: 'two', 2: 'three' }}}); assert('code.each.index', { locals: { items: { 0: 'one', 1: 'two', 2: 'three' }}}); }); it('should iterate with index', function () { assert('code.each.index', { locals: { items: ['one', 'two', 'three'] }}); }); }); describe('= code', function () { it('should output evaluation', function () { assert('code'); }); }); describe('&= code', function () { it('should output evaluation while escaping html entities', function () { assert('code.escape'); }); }); describe('', function () { it('should remain intact', function () { assert('html'); }); }); describe('\\char', function () { it('should escape the character', function () { assert('escape'); }); }); describe('#{}', function () { it('should interpolate strings', function () { assert('string.interpolation', { locals: { message: 'it works!' } }); }); it('should interpolate strings (complex)', function () { assert('string.complex-interpolation', { locals: { message: 'it works!' } }); }); }); describe('-#', function () { it('should become a silent comment', function () { assert('comment'); }); }); describe('/', function () { it('should comment out tags', function () { assert('comment.tag'); }); it('should comment out blocks', function () { assert('comment.block'); }); it('should comment out text', function () { assert('comment.text'); }); it('should work in blocks', function () { assert('comment.text.complex'); }); }); describe('/[]', function () { it('should insert conditional comment blocks', function () { assert('comment.block.conditional'); }); }); describe(':filter', function () { describe('plain', function () { it('should ignore haml specific characters', function () { assert('filter.plain'); }); }); describe('cdata', function () { it('should wrap with CDATA tags', function () { assert('filter.cdata'); }); it('should retain whitespace', function () { assert('filter.cdata.whitespace'); }); }); describe('javascript', function () { it('should wrap with