#!/usr/bin/env node var {program} = require('commander'); var precompile = require('../src/precompile').precompile; var Environment = require('../src/environment').Environment; var lib = require('../src/lib'); var cmdpath = null; program .storeOptionsAsProperties(false) .passCommandToAction(false); program .name('precompile') .usage('[-f|--force] [-a|--filters <filters>] [-n|--name <name>] [-i|--include <regex>] [-x|--exclude <regex>] [-w|--wrapper <wrapper>] <path>') .arguments('<path>') .helpOption('-?, -h, --help', 'Display this help message') .option('-f, --force', 'Force compilation to continue on error') .option('-a, --filters <filters>', 'Give the compiler a comma-delimited list of asynchronous filters, required for correctly generating code') .option('-n, --name <name>', 'Specify the template name when compiling a single file') .option('-i, --include <regex>', 'Include a file or folder which match the regex but would otherwise be excluded. You can use this flag multiple times', concat, ['\\.html$', '\\.jinja$']) .option('-x, --exclude <regex>', 'Exclude a file or folder which match the regex but would otherwise be included. You can use this flag multiple times', concat, []) .option('-w, --wrapper <wrapper>', 'Load a external plugin to change the output format of the precompiled templates (for example, "-w custom" will load a module named "nunjucks-custom")') .action(function (path) { cmdpath = path; }) .parse(process.argv); function concat(value, previous) { return previous.concat(value); } if (cmdpath == null) { program.outputHelp(); console.error('\nerror: no path given'); process.exit(1); } var env = new Environment([]); const opts = program.opts(); lib.each([].concat(opts.filters).join(',').split(','), function (name) { env.addFilter(name.trim(), function () {}, true); }); if (opts.wrapper) { opts.wrapper = require('nunjucks-' + opts.wrapper).wrapper; } console.log(precompile(cmdpath, { env : env, force : opts.force, name : opts.name, wrapper: opts.wrapper, include : [].concat(opts.include), exclude : [].concat(opts.exclude) }));