# package-json-from-dist Sometimes you want to load the `package.json` into your TypeScript program, and it's tempting to just `import '../package.json'`, since that seems to work. However, this requires `tsc` to make an entire copy of your `package.json` file into the `dist` folder, which is a problem if you're using something like [tshy](https://github.com/isaacs/tshy), which uses the `package.json` file in dist for another purpose. Even when that does work, it's asking the module system to do a bunch of extra fs system calls, just to load a version number or something. (See [this issue](https://github.com/isaacs/tshy/issues/61).) This module helps by just finding the package.json file appropriately, and reading and parsing it in the most normal fashion. ## Caveats This *only* works if your code builds into a target folder called `dist`, which is in the root of the package. It also requires that you do not have a folder named `node_modules` anywhere within your dev environment, or else it'll get the wrong answers there. (But, at least, that'll be in dev, so you're pretty likely to notice.) If you build to some other location, then you'll need a different approach. (Feel free to fork this module and make it your own, or just put the code right inline, there's not much of it.) ## USAGE ```js // src/index.ts import { findPackageJson, loadPackageJson } from 'package-json-from-dist' const pj = findPackageJson(import.meta.url) console.log(`package.json found at ${pj}`) const pkg = loadPackageJson(import.meta.url) console.log(`Hello from ${pkg.name}@${pkg.version}`) ``` If your module is not directly in the `./src` folder, then you need to specify the path that you would expect to find the `package.json` when it's _not_ built to the `dist` folder. ```js // src/components/something.ts import { findPackageJson, loadPackageJson } from 'package-json-from-dist' const pj = findPackageJson(import.meta.url, '../../package.json') console.log(`package.json found at ${pj}`) const pkg = loadPackageJson(import.meta.url, '../../package.json') console.log(`Hello from ${pkg.name}@${pkg.version}`) ``` When running from CommmonJS, use `__filename` instead of `import.meta.url`. ```js // src/index.cts import { findPackageJson, loadPackageJson } from 'package-json-from-dist' const pj = findPackageJson(__filename) console.log(`package.json found at ${pj}`) const pkg = loadPackageJson(__filename) console.log(`Hello from ${pkg.name}@${pkg.version}`) ``` Since [tshy](https://github.com/isaacs/tshy) builds _both_ CommonJS and ESM by default, you may find that you need a CommonJS override and some `//@ts-ignore` magic to make it work. `src/pkg.ts`: ```js import { findPackageJson, loadPackageJson } from 'package-json-from-dist' //@ts-ignore export const pkg = loadPackageJson(import.meta.url) //@ts-ignore export const pj = findPackageJson(import.meta.url) ``` `src/pkg-cjs.cts`: ```js import { findPackageJson, loadPackageJson } from 'package-json-from-dist' export const pkg = loadPackageJson(__filename) export const pj = findPackageJson(__filename) ```