import {eat, finishToken, lookaheadTypeAndKeyword, match, nextTokenStart} from "../tokenizer/index"; import {formatTokenType, TokenType as tt} from "../tokenizer/types"; import {charCodes} from "../util/charcodes"; import {input, state} from "./base"; // ## Parser utilities // Tests whether parsed token is a contextual keyword. export function isContextual(contextualKeyword) { return state.contextualKeyword === contextualKeyword; } export function isLookaheadContextual(contextualKeyword) { const l = lookaheadTypeAndKeyword(); return l.type === && l.contextualKeyword === contextualKeyword; } // Consumes contextual keyword if possible. export function eatContextual(contextualKeyword) { return state.contextualKeyword === contextualKeyword && eat(; } // Asserts that following token is given contextual keyword. export function expectContextual(contextualKeyword) { if (!eatContextual(contextualKeyword)) { unexpected(); } } // Test whether a semicolon can be inserted at the current position. export function canInsertSemicolon() { return match(tt.eof) || match(tt.braceR) || hasPrecedingLineBreak(); } export function hasPrecedingLineBreak() { const prevToken = state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1]; const lastTokEnd = prevToken ? prevToken.end : 0; for (let i = lastTokEnd; i < state.start; i++) { const code = input.charCodeAt(i); if ( code === charCodes.lineFeed || code === charCodes.carriageReturn || code === 0x2028 || code === 0x2029 ) { return true; } } return false; } export function hasFollowingLineBreak() { const nextStart = nextTokenStart(); for (let i = state.end; i < nextStart; i++) { const code = input.charCodeAt(i); if ( code === charCodes.lineFeed || code === charCodes.carriageReturn || code === 0x2028 || code === 0x2029 ) { return true; } } return false; } export function isLineTerminator() { return eat(tt.semi) || canInsertSemicolon(); } // Consume a semicolon, or, failing that, see if we are allowed to // pretend that there is a semicolon at this position. export function semicolon() { if (!isLineTerminator()) { unexpected('Unexpected token, expected ";"'); } } // Expect a token of a given type. If found, consume it, otherwise, // raise an unexpected token error at given pos. export function expect(type) { const matched = eat(type); if (!matched) { unexpected(`Unexpected token, expected "${formatTokenType(type)}"`); } } /** * Transition the parser to an error state. All code needs to be written to naturally unwind in this * state, which allows us to backtrack without exceptions and without error plumbing everywhere. */ export function unexpected(message = "Unexpected token", pos = state.start) { if (state.error) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const err = new SyntaxError(message); err.pos = pos; state.error = err; state.pos = input.length; finishToken(tt.eof); }