# slugify [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/sindresorhus/slugify.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/github/sindresorhus/slugify) > Slugify a string Useful for URLs, filenames, and IDs. It handles most major languages, including [German (umlauts)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut), Vietnamese, Arabic, Russian, [and more](https://github.com/sindresorhus/transliterate#supported-languages). ## Install ``` $ npm install @sindresorhus/slugify ``` ## Usage ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('I ♥ Dogs'); //=> 'i-love-dogs' slugify(' Déjà Vu! '); //=> 'deja-vu' slugify('fooBar 123 $#%'); //=> 'foo-bar-123' slugify('я люблю единорогов'); //=> 'ya-lyublyu-edinorogov' ``` ## API ### slugify(string, options?) #### string Type: `string` String to slugify. #### options Type: `object` ##### separator Type: `string`\ Default: `'-'` ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('BAR and baz'); //=> 'bar-and-baz' slugify('BAR and baz', {separator: '_'}); //=> 'bar_and_baz' slugify('BAR and baz', {separator: ''}); //=> 'barandbaz' ``` ##### lowercase Type: `boolean`\ Default: `true` Make the slug lowercase. ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('Déjà Vu!'); //=> 'deja-vu' slugify('Déjà Vu!', {lowercase: false}); //=> 'Deja-Vu' ``` ##### decamelize Type: `boolean`\ Default: `true` Convert camelcase to separate words. Internally it does `fooBar` → `foo bar`. ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('fooBar'); //=> 'foo-bar' slugify('fooBar', {decamelize: false}); //=> 'foobar' ``` ##### customReplacements Type: `Array`\ Default: `[ ['&', ' and '], ['🦄', ' unicorn '], ['♥', ' love '] ]` Add your own custom replacements. The replacements are run on the original string before any other transformations. This only overrides a default replacement if you set an item with the same key, like `&`. ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('Foo@unicorn', { customReplacements: [ ['@', 'at'] ] }); //=> 'fooatunicorn' ``` Add a leading and trailing space to the replacement to have it separated by dashes: ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('foo@unicorn', { customReplacements: [ ['@', ' at '] ] }); //=> 'foo-at-unicorn' ``` Another example: ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('I love 🐶', { customReplacements: [ ['🐶', 'dogs'] ] }); //=> 'i-love-dogs' ``` ##### preserveLeadingUnderscore Type: `boolean`\ Default: `false` If your string starts with an underscore, it will be preserved in the slugified string. Sometimes leading underscores are intentional, for example, filenames representing hidden paths on a website. ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); slugify('_foo_bar'); //=> 'foo-bar' slugify('_foo_bar', {preserveLeadingUnderscore: true}); //=> '_foo-bar' ``` ### slugify.counter() Returns a new instance of `slugify(string, options?)` with a counter to handle multiple occurences of the same string. #### Example ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); const countableSlugify = slugify.counter(); countableSlugify('foo bar'); //=> 'foo-bar' countableSlugify('foo bar'); //=> 'foo-bar-2' countableSlugify.reset(); countableSlugify('foo bar'); //=> 'foo-bar' ``` #### Use-case example of counter If, for example, you have a document with multiple sections where each subsection has an example. ```md ## Section 1 ### Example ## Section 2 ### Example ``` You can then use `slugify.counter()` to generate unique HTML `id`'s to ensure anchors will link to the right headline. ### slugify.reset() Reset the counter #### Example ```js const slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify'); const countableSlugify = slugify.counter(); countableSlugify('foo bar'); //=> 'foo-bar' countableSlugify('foo bar'); //=> 'foo-bar-2' countableSlugify.reset(); countableSlugify('foo bar'); //=> 'foo-bar' ``` ## Related - [slugify-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/slugify-cli) - CLI for this module - [transliterate](https://github.com/sindresorhus/transliterate) - Convert Unicode characters to Latin characters using transliteration - [filenamify](https://github.com/sindresorhus/filenamify) - Convert a string to a valid safe filename