// Inline parser state 'use strict'; var Token = require('../token'); var isWhiteSpace = require('../common/utils').isWhiteSpace; var isPunctChar = require('../common/utils').isPunctChar; var isMdAsciiPunct = require('../common/utils').isMdAsciiPunct; function StateInline(src, md, env, outTokens) { this.src = src; this.env = env; this.md = md; this.tokens = outTokens; this.tokens_meta = Array(outTokens.length); this.pos = 0; this.posMax = this.src.length; this.level = 0; this.pending = ''; this.pendingLevel = 0; // Stores { start: end } pairs. Useful for backtrack // optimization of pairs parse (emphasis, strikes). this.cache = {}; // List of emphasis-like delimiters for current tag this.delimiters = []; // Stack of delimiter lists for upper level tags this._prev_delimiters = []; // backtick length => last seen position this.backticks = {}; this.backticksScanned = false; // Counter used to disable inline linkify-it execution // inside and markdown links this.linkLevel = 0; } // Flush pending text // StateInline.prototype.pushPending = function () { var token = new Token('text', '', 0); token.content = this.pending; token.level = this.pendingLevel; this.tokens.push(token); this.pending = ''; return token; }; // Push new token to "stream". // If pending text exists - flush it as text token // StateInline.prototype.push = function (type, tag, nesting) { if (this.pending) { this.pushPending(); } var token = new Token(type, tag, nesting); var token_meta = null; if (nesting < 0) { // closing tag this.level--; this.delimiters = this._prev_delimiters.pop(); } token.level = this.level; if (nesting > 0) { // opening tag this.level++; this._prev_delimiters.push(this.delimiters); this.delimiters = []; token_meta = { delimiters: this.delimiters }; } this.pendingLevel = this.level; this.tokens.push(token); this.tokens_meta.push(token_meta); return token; }; // Scan a sequence of emphasis-like markers, and determine whether // it can start an emphasis sequence or end an emphasis sequence. // // - start - position to scan from (it should point at a valid marker); // - canSplitWord - determine if these markers can be found inside a word // StateInline.prototype.scanDelims = function (start, canSplitWord) { var pos = start, lastChar, nextChar, count, can_open, can_close, isLastWhiteSpace, isLastPunctChar, isNextWhiteSpace, isNextPunctChar, left_flanking = true, right_flanking = true, max = this.posMax, marker = this.src.charCodeAt(start); // treat beginning of the line as a whitespace lastChar = start > 0 ? this.src.charCodeAt(start - 1) : 0x20; while (pos < max && this.src.charCodeAt(pos) === marker) { pos++; } count = pos - start; // treat end of the line as a whitespace nextChar = pos < max ? this.src.charCodeAt(pos) : 0x20; isLastPunctChar = isMdAsciiPunct(lastChar) || isPunctChar(String.fromCharCode(lastChar)); isNextPunctChar = isMdAsciiPunct(nextChar) || isPunctChar(String.fromCharCode(nextChar)); isLastWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace(lastChar); isNextWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace(nextChar); if (isNextWhiteSpace) { left_flanking = false; } else if (isNextPunctChar) { if (!(isLastWhiteSpace || isLastPunctChar)) { left_flanking = false; } } if (isLastWhiteSpace) { right_flanking = false; } else if (isLastPunctChar) { if (!(isNextWhiteSpace || isNextPunctChar)) { right_flanking = false; } } if (!canSplitWord) { can_open = left_flanking && (!right_flanking || isLastPunctChar); can_close = right_flanking && (!left_flanking || isNextPunctChar); } else { can_open = left_flanking; can_close = right_flanking; } return { can_open: can_open, can_close: can_close, length: count }; }; // re-export Token class to use in block rules StateInline.prototype.Token = Token; module.exports = StateInline;