class Util { static pad(num, digits = 2) { let zeroes = new Array(digits + 1).join(0); return `${zeroes}${num}`.slice(-1 * digits); } static log(message) { Util.output("log", message); } static error(message, error) { Util.output("error", message, error); } static output(type, ...messages) { let now = new Date(); let date = `${Util.pad(now.getUTCHours())}:${Util.pad( now.getUTCMinutes() )}:${Util.pad(now.getUTCSeconds())}.${Util.pad( now.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3 )}`; console[type](`[11ty][${date} UTC]`, ...messages); } static capitalize(word) { return word.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1); } static matchRootAttributes(htmlContent) { // Workaround for morphdom bug with attributes on // Note also `childrenOnly: true` above const parser = new DOMParser(); let parsed = parser.parseFromString(htmlContent, "text/html"); let parsedDoc = parsed.documentElement; let newAttrs = parsedDoc.getAttributeNames(); let docEl = document.documentElement; // Remove old let removedAttrs = docEl.getAttributeNames().filter(name => !newAttrs.includes(name)); for(let attr of removedAttrs) { docEl.removeAttribute(attr); } // Add new for(let attr of newAttrs) { docEl.setAttribute(attr, parsedDoc.getAttribute(attr)); } } static isEleventyLinkNodeMatch(from, to) { // Issue #18 // Don’t update a if the _11ty searchParam is the only thing that’s different if(from.tagName !== "LINK" || to.tagName !== "LINK") { return false; } let oldWithoutHref = from.cloneNode(); let newWithoutHref = to.cloneNode(); oldWithoutHref.removeAttribute("href"); newWithoutHref.removeAttribute("href"); // if all other attributes besides href match if(!oldWithoutHref.isEqualNode(newWithoutHref)) { return false; } let oldUrl = new URL(from.href); let newUrl = new URL(to.href); // morphdom wants to force href="style.css?_11ty" => href="style.css" let isErasing = oldUrl.searchParams.has("_11ty") && !newUrl.searchParams.has("_11ty"); if(!isErasing) { // not a match if _11ty has a new value (not being erased) return false; } oldUrl.searchParams.set("_11ty", ""); newUrl.searchParams.set("_11ty", ""); // is a match if erasing and the rest of the href matches too return oldUrl.toString() === newUrl.toString(); } // static runScript(source, target) { let script = document.createElement('script'); //copy over the attributes for(let attr of [...source.attributes]) { script.setAttribute(attr.nodeName ,attr.nodeValue); } script.innerHTML = source.innerHTML; (target || source).replaceWith(script); } } class EleventyReload { constructor() { this.connectionMessageShown = false; this.reconnectEventCallback = this.reconnect.bind(this); } init(options = {}) { if (!("WebSocket" in window)) { return; } let { protocol, host } = new URL(document.location.href); // works with http (ws) and https (wss) let websocketProtocol = protocol.replace("http", "ws"); let socket = new WebSocket(`${websocketProtocol}//${host}`); socket.addEventListener("message", async (event) => { try { let data = JSON.parse(; // Util.log( JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) ); let { type } = data; if (type === "eleventy.reload") { await this.onreload(data); } else if (type === "eleventy.msg") { Util.log(`${data.message}`); } else if (type === "eleventy.error") { // Log Eleventy build errors // Extra parsing for Node Error objects let e = JSON.parse(data.error); Util.error(`Build error: ${e.message}`, e); } else if (type === "eleventy.status") { // Full page reload on initial reconnect if (data.status === "connected" && options.mode === "reconnect") { window.location.reload(); } if(data.status === "connected") { // With multiple windows, only show one connection message if(!this.isConnected) { Util.log(Util.capitalize(data.status)); } this.connectionMessageShown = true; } else { if(data.status === "disconnected") { this.addReconnectListeners(); } Util.log(Util.capitalize(data.status)); } } else { Util.log("Unknown event type", data); } } catch (e) { Util.error(`Error parsing ${}: ${e.message}`, e); } }); socket.addEventListener("open", () => { // no reconnection when the connect is already open this.removeReconnectListeners(); }); socket.addEventListener("close", () => { this.connectionMessageShown = false; this.addReconnectListeners(); }); } reconnect() { Util.log( "Reconnecting…" ); this.init({ mode: "reconnect" }); } async onreload({ subtype, files, build }) { if (subtype === "css") { for (let link of document.querySelectorAll(`link[rel="stylesheet"]`)) { let url = new URL(link.href); url.searchParams.set("_11ty",; link.href = url.toString(); } Util.log(`CSS updated without page reload.`); } else { let morphed = false; try { if((build.templates || []).length > 0) { // Important: using `./` in `./morphdom.js` allows the special `.11ty` folder to be changed upstream const { default: morphdom } = await import(`./morphdom.js`); // { url, inputPath, content } for (let template of build.templates || []) { if (template.url === document.location.pathname) { // Importantly, if this does not match but is still relevant (layout/include/etc), a full reload happens below. This could be improved. if ((files || []).includes(template.inputPath)) { // Notable limitation: this won’t re-run script elements or JavaScript page lifecycle events (load/DOMContentLoaded) morphed = true; morphdom(document.documentElement, template.content, { childrenOnly: true, onBeforeElUpdated: function (fromEl, toEl) { if (fromEl.nodeName === "SCRIPT" && toEl.nodeName === "SCRIPT") { Util.runScript(toEl, fromEl); return false; } // Speed-up trick from morphdom docs // if (fromEl.isEqualNode(toEl)) { return false; } if(Util.isEleventyLinkNodeMatch(fromEl, toEl)) { return false; } return true; }, onNodeAdded: function (node) { if (node.nodeName === 'SCRIPT') { Util.runScript(node); } }, }); Util.matchRootAttributes(template.content); Util.log(`HTML delta applied without page reload.`); } break; } } } } catch(e) { Util.error( "Morphdom error", e ); } if (!morphed) { Util.log(`Page reload initiated.`); window.location.reload(); } } } addReconnectListeners() { this.removeReconnectListeners(); window.addEventListener("focus", this.reconnectEventCallback); window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this.reconnectEventCallback); } removeReconnectListeners() { window.removeEventListener("focus", this.reconnectEventCallback); window.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", this.reconnectEventCallback); } } let reloader = new EleventyReload(); reloader.init();