const { DepGraph } = require("dependency-graph"); const { TemplatePath } = require("@11ty/eleventy-utils"); const debug = require("debug")("Eleventy:Dependencies"); const PathNormalizer = require("./Util/PathNormalizer.js"); class GlobalDependencyMap { // dependency-graph requires these keys to be alphabetic strings static LAYOUT_KEY = "layout"; static COLLECTION_PREFIX = "__collection:"; // URL object with a windows, with file:// already removed (from file:///C:/directory/ to /C:/directory/) static WINDOWS_DRIVE_URL_PATH = /^\/\w\:\//; reset() { this._map = undefined; } setConfig(config) { if (this.config) { return; } this.config = config; // These have leading dot slashes, but so do the paths from Eleventy"eleventy.layouts", (layouts) => { this.addLayoutsToMap(layouts); }); } removeAllLayoutNodes() { let nodes =; for (let node of nodes) { let data =; if (!data || !data.type || data.type !== GlobalDependencyMap.LAYOUT_KEY) { continue; }; } } // Eleventy Layouts don’t show up in the dependency graph, so we handle those separately addLayoutsToMap(layouts) { // Clear out any previous layout relationships to make way for the new ones this.removeAllLayoutNodes(); for (let rawLayout in layouts) { let layout = this.normalizeNode(rawLayout); // We add this pre-emptively to add the `layout` data if (! {, { type: GlobalDependencyMap.LAYOUT_KEY, }); } // Potential improvement: only add the first template in the chain for a template and manage any upstream layouts by their own relationships for (let pageTemplate of layouts[rawLayout]) { this.addDependency(pageTemplate, [layout]); } } } get map() { if (!this._map) { this._map = new DepGraph({ circular: true }); } return this._map; } set map(graph) { this._map = graph; } normalizeNode(node) { if (!node) { return; } // TODO tests for this // Fix URL objects passed in (sass does this) if (typeof node !== "string" && "toString" in node) { node = node.toString(); } // Fix file:///Users/ or file:///C:/ paths passed in if (node.startsWith("file://")) { node = node.slice("file://".length); if (node.match(GlobalDependencyMap.WINDOWS_DRIVE_URL_PATH)) { node = node.slice(1); // take off the leading slash, /C:/ becomes C:/ } } if (typeof node !== "string") { throw new Error("`addDependencies` files must be strings. Received:" + node); } // Paths should not be absolute (we convert absolute paths to relative) // Paths should not have a leading dot slash // Paths should always be `/` independent of OS path separator return TemplatePath.stripLeadingDotSlash( PathNormalizer.normalizeSeperator(TemplatePath.relativePath(node)) ); } getDependantsFor(node) { if (!node) { return new Set(); } node = this.normalizeNode(node); if (! { return new Set(); } // Direct dependants and dependencies, both publish and consume from collections return; } hasNode(node) { return; } findCollectionsRemovedFrom(node, collectionNames) { if (!this.hasNode(node)) { return new Set(); } let prevDeps = this.getDependantsFor(node) .filter((entry) => { return entry.startsWith(GlobalDependencyMap.COLLECTION_PREFIX); }) .map((entry) => { return GlobalDependencyMap.getEntryFromCollectionKey(entry); }); let prevDepsSet = new Set(prevDeps); let deleted = new Set(); for (let dep of prevDepsSet) { if (!collectionNames.has(dep)) { deleted.add(dep); } } return deleted; } resetNode(node) { node = this.normalizeNode(node); if (! { return; } // We don’t want to remove relationships that consume this, controlled by the upstream content // for (let dep of { //, node); // } for (let dep of {, dep); } } getTemplatesThatConsumeCollections(collectionNames) { let templates = new Set(); for (let name of collectionNames) { let collectionName = GlobalDependencyMap.getCollectionKeyForEntry(name); if (! { continue; } for (let node of { if (!node.startsWith(GlobalDependencyMap.COLLECTION_PREFIX)) { templates.add(node); } } } return templates; } // Layouts are not relevant to compile cache and can be ignored getDependencies(node, includeLayouts = true) { node = this.normalizeNode(node); // `false` means the Node was unknown if (! { return false; } return => { if (includeLayouts) { return true; } // When includeLayouts is `false` we want to filter out layouts let data =; if (data && data.type && data.type === "layout") { return false; } return true; }); } // node arguments are already normalized _addDependency(from, toArray = []) {; if (!Array.isArray(toArray)) { throw new Error("Second argument to `addDependency` must be an Array."); } // debug("%o depends on %o", from, toArray); for (let to of toArray) { if (! {; } if (from !== to) {, to); } } } addDependency(from, toArray = []) { this._addDependency( this.normalizeNode(from), => this.normalizeNode(to)) ); } static getEntryFromCollectionKey(entry) { return entry.slice(GlobalDependencyMap.COLLECTION_PREFIX.length); } static getCollectionKeyForEntry(entry) { return `${GlobalDependencyMap.COLLECTION_PREFIX}${entry}`; } addDependencyConsumesCollection(from, collectionName) { let nodeName = this.normalizeNode(from); debug("%o depends on collection: %o", nodeName, collectionName); this._addDependency(nodeName, [GlobalDependencyMap.getCollectionKeyForEntry(collectionName)]); } addDependencyPublishesToCollection(from, collectionName) { let normalizedFrom = this.normalizeNode(from); this._addDependency(GlobalDependencyMap.getCollectionKeyForEntry(collectionName), [ normalizedFrom, ]); } // Layouts are not relevant to compile cache and can be ignored hasDependency(from, to, includeLayouts) { to = this.normalizeNode(to); let deps = this.getDependencies(from, includeLayouts); // normalizes `from` if (!deps) { return false; } return deps.includes(to); } // Layouts are not relevant to compile cache and can be ignored isFileRelevantTo(fullTemplateInputPath, comparisonFile, includeLayouts) { fullTemplateInputPath = this.normalizeNode(fullTemplateInputPath); comparisonFile = this.normalizeNode(comparisonFile); // No watch/serve changed file if (!comparisonFile) { return false; } // The file that changed is the relevant file if (fullTemplateInputPath === comparisonFile) { return true; } // The file that changed is a dependency of the template if (this.hasDependency(fullTemplateInputPath, comparisonFile, includeLayouts)) { return true; } return false; } stringify() { return JSON.stringify(; } restore(persisted) { let obj = JSON.parse(persisted); let graph = new DepGraph({ circular: true }); // for (let key in obj) { graph[key] = obj[key]; } = graph; } } module.exports = GlobalDependencyMap;