import {ContextualKeyword} from "../parser/tokenizer/keywords"; import {TokenType as tt} from "../parser/tokenizer/types"; import Transformer from "./Transformer"; export default class FlowTransformer extends Transformer { constructor( rootTransformer, tokens, isImportsTransformEnabled, ) { super();this.rootTransformer = rootTransformer;this.tokens = tokens;this.isImportsTransformEnabled = isImportsTransformEnabled;; } process() { if ( this.rootTransformer.processPossibleArrowParamEnd() || this.rootTransformer.processPossibleAsyncArrowWithTypeParams() || this.rootTransformer.processPossibleTypeRange() ) { return true; } if (this.tokens.matches1(tt._enum)) { this.processEnum(); return true; } if (this.tokens.matches2(tt._export, tt._enum)) { this.processNamedExportEnum(); return true; } if (this.tokens.matches3(tt._export, tt._default, tt._enum)) { this.processDefaultExportEnum(); return true; } return false; } /** * Handle a declaration like: * export enum E ... * * With this imports transform, this becomes: * const E = [[enum]]; exports.E = E; * * otherwise, it becomes: * export const E = [[enum]]; */ processNamedExportEnum() { if (this.isImportsTransformEnabled) { // export this.tokens.removeInitialToken(); const enumName = this.tokens.identifierNameAtRelativeIndex(1); this.processEnum(); this.tokens.appendCode(` exports.${enumName} = ${enumName};`); } else { this.tokens.copyToken(); this.processEnum(); } } /** * Handle a declaration like: * export default enum E * * With the imports transform, this becomes: * const E = [[enum]]; exports.default = E; * * otherwise, it becomes: * const E = [[enum]]; export default E; */ processDefaultExportEnum() { // export this.tokens.removeInitialToken(); // default this.tokens.removeToken(); const enumName = this.tokens.identifierNameAtRelativeIndex(1); this.processEnum(); if (this.isImportsTransformEnabled) { this.tokens.appendCode(` exports.default = ${enumName};`); } else { this.tokens.appendCode(` export default ${enumName};`); } } /** * Transpile flow enums to invoke the "flow-enums-runtime" library. * * Currently, the transpiled code always uses `require("flow-enums-runtime")`, * but if future flexibility is needed, we could expose a config option for * this string (similar to configurable JSX). Even when targeting ESM, the * default behavior of babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums is to use require * rather than injecting an import. * * Flow enums are quite a bit simpler than TS enums and have some convenient * constraints: * - Element initializers must be either always present or always absent. That * means that we can use fixed lookahead on the first element (if any) and * assume that all elements are like that. * - The right-hand side of an element initializer must be a literal value, * not a complex expression and not referencing other elements. That means * we can simply copy a single token. * * Enums can be broken up into three basic cases: * * Mirrored enums: * enum E {A, B} * -> * const E = require("flow-enums-runtime").Mirrored(["A", "B"]); * * Initializer enums: * enum E {A = 1, B = 2} * -> * const E = require("flow-enums-runtime")({A: 1, B: 2}); * * Symbol enums: * enum E of symbol {A, B} * -> * const E = require("flow-enums-runtime")({A: Symbol("A"), B: Symbol("B")}); * * We can statically detect which of the three cases this is by looking at the * "of" declaration (if any) and seeing if the first element has an initializer. * Since the other transform details are so similar between the three cases, we * use a single implementation and vary the transform within processEnumElement * based on case. */ processEnum() { // enum E -> const E this.tokens.replaceToken("const"); this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(; let isSymbolEnum = false; if (this.tokens.matchesContextual(ContextualKeyword._of)) { this.tokens.removeToken(); isSymbolEnum = this.tokens.matchesContextual(ContextualKeyword._symbol); this.tokens.removeToken(); } const hasInitializers = this.tokens.matches3(tt.braceL,, tt.eq); this.tokens.appendCode(' = require("flow-enums-runtime")'); const isMirrored = !isSymbolEnum && !hasInitializers; this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(isMirrored ? ".Mirrored([" : "({"); while (!this.tokens.matches1(tt.braceR)) { // ... is allowed at the end and has no runtime behavior. if (this.tokens.matches1(tt.ellipsis)) { this.tokens.removeToken(); break; } this.processEnumElement(isSymbolEnum, hasInitializers); if (this.tokens.matches1(tt.comma)) { this.tokens.copyToken(); } } this.tokens.replaceToken(isMirrored ? "]);" : "});"); } /** * Process an individual enum element, producing either an array element or an * object element based on what type of enum this is. */ processEnumElement(isSymbolEnum, hasInitializers) { if (isSymbolEnum) { // Symbol enums never have initializers and are expanded to object elements. // A, -> A: Symbol("A"), const elementName = this.tokens.identifierName(); this.tokens.copyToken(); this.tokens.appendCode(`: Symbol("${elementName}")`); } else if (hasInitializers) { // Initializers are expanded to object elements. // A = 1, -> A: 1, this.tokens.copyToken(); this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(":"); this.tokens.copyToken(); } else { // Enum elements without initializers become string literal array elements. // A, -> "A", this.tokens.replaceToken(`"${this.tokens.identifierName()}"`); } } }