export interface ParseOptions { /** * Set the default delimiter for repeat parameters. (default: `'/'`) */ delimiter?: string; /** * List of characters to automatically consider prefixes when parsing. */ prefixes?: string; } /** * Parse a string for the raw tokens. */ export declare function parse(str: string, options?: ParseOptions): Token[]; export interface TokensToFunctionOptions { /** * When `true` the regexp will be case sensitive. (default: `false`) */ sensitive?: boolean; /** * Function for encoding input strings for output. */ encode?: (value: string, token: Key) => string; /** * When `false` the function can produce an invalid (unmatched) path. (default: `true`) */ validate?: boolean; } /** * Compile a string to a template function for the path. */ export declare function compile<P extends object = object>(str: string, options?: ParseOptions & TokensToFunctionOptions): PathFunction<P>; export type PathFunction<P extends object = object> = (data?: P) => string; /** * Expose a method for transforming tokens into the path function. */ export declare function tokensToFunction<P extends object = object>(tokens: Token[], options?: TokensToFunctionOptions): PathFunction<P>; export interface RegexpToFunctionOptions { /** * Function for decoding strings for params. */ decode?: (value: string, token: Key) => string; } /** * A match result contains data about the path match. */ export interface MatchResult<P extends object = object> { path: string; index: number; params: P; } /** * A match is either `false` (no match) or a match result. */ export type Match<P extends object = object> = false | MatchResult<P>; /** * The match function takes a string and returns whether it matched the path. */ export type MatchFunction<P extends object = object> = (path: string) => Match<P>; /** * Create path match function from `path-to-regexp` spec. */ export declare function match<P extends object = object>(str: Path, options?: ParseOptions & TokensToRegexpOptions & RegexpToFunctionOptions): MatchFunction<P>; /** * Create a path match function from `path-to-regexp` output. */ export declare function regexpToFunction<P extends object = object>(re: RegExp, keys: Key[], options?: RegexpToFunctionOptions): MatchFunction<P>; /** * Metadata about a key. */ export interface Key { name: string | number; prefix: string; suffix: string; pattern: string; modifier: string; } /** * A token is a string (nothing special) or key metadata (capture group). */ export type Token = string | Key; export interface TokensToRegexpOptions { /** * When `true` the regexp will be case sensitive. (default: `false`) */ sensitive?: boolean; /** * When `true` the regexp won't allow an optional trailing delimiter to match. (default: `false`) */ strict?: boolean; /** * When `true` the regexp will match to the end of the string. (default: `true`) */ end?: boolean; /** * When `true` the regexp will match from the beginning of the string. (default: `true`) */ start?: boolean; /** * Sets the final character for non-ending optimistic matches. (default: `/`) */ delimiter?: string; /** * List of characters that can also be "end" characters. */ endsWith?: string; /** * Encode path tokens for use in the `RegExp`. */ encode?: (value: string) => string; } /** * Expose a function for taking tokens and returning a RegExp. */ export declare function tokensToRegexp(tokens: Token[], keys?: Key[], options?: TokensToRegexpOptions): RegExp; /** * Supported `path-to-regexp` input types. */ export type Path = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>; /** * Normalize the given path string, returning a regular expression. * * An empty array can be passed in for the keys, which will hold the * placeholder key descriptions. For example, using `/user/:id`, `keys` will * contain `[{ name: 'id', delimiter: '/', optional: false, repeat: false }]`. */ export declare function pathToRegexp(path: Path, keys?: Key[], options?: TokensToRegexpOptions & ParseOptions): RegExp;