let EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; let async = require('async'); let chalk = require('chalk'); // 'rule' module is required at the bottom because circular deps // Used for task value, so better not to use // null, since value should be unset/uninitialized let UNDEFINED_VALUE; const ROOT_TASK_NAME = '__rootTask__'; const POLLING_INTERVAL = 100; // Parse any positional args attached to the task-name function parsePrereqName(name) { let taskArr = name.split('['); let taskName = taskArr[0]; let taskArgs = []; if (taskArr[1]) { taskArgs = taskArr[1].replace(/\]$/, ''); taskArgs = taskArgs.split(','); } return { name: taskName, args: taskArgs }; } /** @name jake.Task @class @extends EventEmitter @description A Jake Task @param {String} name The name of the Task @param {Array} [prereqs] Prerequisites to be run before this task @param {Function} [action] The action to perform for this task @param {Object} [opts] @param {Array} [opts.asyc=false] Perform this task asynchronously. If you flag a task with this option, you must call the global `complete` method inside the task's action, for execution to proceed to the next task. */ class Task extends EventEmitter { constructor(name, prereqs, action, options) { // EventEmitter ctor takes no args super(); if (name.indexOf(':') > -1) { throw new Error('Task name cannot include a colon. It is used internally as namespace delimiter.'); } let opts = options || {}; this._currentPrereqIndex = 0; this._internal = false; this._skipped = false; this.name = name; this.prereqs = prereqs; this.action = action; this.async = false; this.taskStatus = Task.runStatuses.UNSTARTED; this.description = null; this.args = []; this.value = UNDEFINED_VALUE; this.concurrency = 1; this.startTime = null; this.endTime = null; this.directory = null; this.namespace = null; // Support legacy async-flag -- if not explicitly passed or falsy, will // be set to empty-object if (typeof opts == 'boolean' && opts === true) { this.async = true; } else { if (opts.async) { this.async = true; } if (opts.concurrency) { this.concurrency = opts.concurrency; } } //Do a test on self dependencies for this task if(Array.isArray(this.prereqs) && this.prereqs.indexOf(this.name) !== -1) { throw new Error("Cannot use prereq " + this.name + " as a dependency of itself"); } } get fullName() { return this._getFullName(); } get params() { return this._getParams(); } _initInvocationChain() { // Legacy global invocation chain jake._invocationChain.push(this); // New root chain if (!this._invocationChain) { this._invocationChainRoot = true; this._invocationChain = []; if (jake.currentRunningTask) { jake.currentRunningTask._waitForChains = jake.currentRunningTask._waitForChains || []; jake.currentRunningTask._waitForChains.push(this._invocationChain); } } } /** @name jake.Task#invoke @function @description Runs prerequisites, then this task. If the task has already been run, will not run the task again. */ invoke() { this._initInvocationChain(); this.args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); this.reenabled = false; this.runPrereqs(); } /** @name jake.Task#execute @function @description Run only this task, without prereqs. If the task has already been run, *will* run the task again. */ execute() { this._initInvocationChain(); this.args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); this.reenable(); this.reenabled = true; this.run(); } runPrereqs() { if (this.prereqs && this.prereqs.length) { if (this.concurrency > 1) { async.eachLimit(this.prereqs, this.concurrency, (name, cb) => { let parsed = parsePrereqName(name); let prereq = this.namespace.resolveTask(parsed.name) || jake.attemptRule(name, this.namespace, 0) || jake.createPlaceholderFileTask(name, this.namespace); if (!prereq) { throw new Error('Unknown task "' + name + '"'); } //Test for circular invocation if(prereq === this) { setImmediate(function () { cb(new Error("Cannot use prereq " + prereq.name + " as a dependency of itself")); }); } if (prereq.taskStatus == Task.runStatuses.DONE) { //prereq already done, return setImmediate(cb); } else { //wait for complete before calling cb prereq.once('_done', () => { prereq.removeAllListeners('_done'); setImmediate(cb); }); // Start the prereq if we are the first to encounter it if (prereq.taskStatus === Task.runStatuses.UNSTARTED) { prereq.taskStatus = Task.runStatuses.STARTED; prereq.invoke.apply(prereq, parsed.args); } } }, (err) => { //async callback is called after all prereqs have run. if (err) { throw err; } else { setImmediate(this.run.bind(this)); } } ); } else { setImmediate(this.nextPrereq.bind(this)); } } else { setImmediate(this.run.bind(this)); } } nextPrereq() { let self = this; let index = this._currentPrereqIndex; let name = this.prereqs[index]; let prereq; let parsed; if (name) { parsed = parsePrereqName(name); prereq = this.namespace.resolveTask(parsed.name) || jake.attemptRule(name, this.namespace, 0) || jake.createPlaceholderFileTask(name, this.namespace); if (!prereq) { throw new Error('Unknown task "' + name + '"'); } // Do when done if (prereq.taskStatus == Task.runStatuses.DONE) { self.handlePrereqDone(prereq); } else { prereq.once('_done', () => { this.handlePrereqDone(prereq); prereq.removeAllListeners('_done'); }); if (prereq.taskStatus == Task.runStatuses.UNSTARTED) { prereq.taskStatus = Task.runStatuses.STARTED; prereq._invocationChain = this._invocationChain; prereq.invoke.apply(prereq, parsed.args); } } } } /** @name jake.Task#reenable @function @description Reenables a task so that it can be run again. */ reenable(deep) { let prereqs; let prereq; this._skipped = false; this.taskStatus = Task.runStatuses.UNSTARTED; this.value = UNDEFINED_VALUE; if (deep && this.prereqs) { prereqs = this.prereqs; for (let i = 0, ii = prereqs.length; i < ii; i++) { prereq = jake.Task[prereqs[i]]; if (prereq) { prereq.reenable(deep); } } } } handlePrereqDone(prereq) { this._currentPrereqIndex++; if (this._currentPrereqIndex < this.prereqs.length) { setImmediate(this.nextPrereq.bind(this)); } else { setImmediate(this.run.bind(this)); } } isNeeded() { let needed = true; if (this.taskStatus == Task.runStatuses.DONE) { needed = false; } return needed; } run() { let val, previous; let hasAction = typeof this.action == 'function'; if (!this.isNeeded()) { this.emit('skip'); this.emit('_done'); } else { if (this._invocationChain.length) { previous = this._invocationChain[this._invocationChain.length - 1]; // If this task is repeating and its previous is equal to this, don't check its status because it was set to UNSTARTED by the reenable() method if (!(this.reenabled && previous == this)) { if (previous.taskStatus != Task.runStatuses.DONE) { let now = (new Date()).getTime(); if (now - this.startTime > jake._taskTimeout) { return jake.fail(`Timed out waiting for task: ${previous.name} with status of ${previous.taskStatus}`); } setTimeout(this.run.bind(this), POLLING_INTERVAL); return; } } } if (!(this.reenabled && previous == this)) { this._invocationChain.push(this); } if (!(this._internal || jake.program.opts.quiet)) { jake.emit('started', { name: this.fullName, task: this, }); console.log("Starting '" + chalk.green(this.fullName) + "'..."); } this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); this.emit('start'); jake.currentRunningTask = this; if (hasAction) { try { if (this.directory) { process.chdir(this.directory); } val = this.action.apply(this, this.args); if (typeof val == 'object' && typeof val.then == 'function') { this.async = true; val.then( (result) => { setImmediate(() => { this.complete(result); }); }, (err) => { setImmediate(() => { this.errorOut(err); }); }); } } catch (err) { this.errorOut(err); return; // Bail out, not complete } } if (!(hasAction && this.async)) { setImmediate(() => { this.complete(val); }); } } } errorOut(err) { this.taskStatus = Task.runStatuses.ERROR; this._invocationChain.chainStatus = Task.runStatuses.ERROR; this.emit('error', err); } complete(val) { if (Array.isArray(this._waitForChains)) { let stillWaiting = this._waitForChains.some((chain) => { return !(chain.chainStatus == Task.runStatuses.DONE || chain.chainStatus == Task.runStatuses.ERROR); }); if (stillWaiting) { let now = (new Date()).getTime(); let elapsed = now - this.startTime; if (elapsed > jake._taskTimeout) { return jake.fail(`Timed out waiting for task: ${this.name} with status of ${this.taskStatus}. Elapsed: ${elapsed}`); } setTimeout(() => { this.complete(val); }, POLLING_INTERVAL); return; } } jake._invocationChain.splice(jake._invocationChain.indexOf(this), 1); if (this._invocationChainRoot) { this._invocationChain.chainStatus = Task.runStatuses.DONE; } this._currentPrereqIndex = 0; // If 'complete' getting called because task has been // run already, value will not be passed -- leave in place if (!this._skipped) { this.taskStatus = Task.runStatuses.DONE; this.value = val; this.emit('complete', this.value); this.emit('_done'); this.endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); let taskTime = this.endTime - this.startTime; if (!(this._internal || jake.program.opts.quiet)) { jake.emit('finished', { name: this.fullName, task: this, time: taskTime, }); console.log("Finished '" + chalk.green(this.fullName) + "' after " + chalk.magenta(taskTime + ' ms')); } } } _getFullName() { let ns = this.namespace; let path = (ns && ns.path) || ''; path = (path && path.split(':')) || []; if (this.namespace !== jake.defaultNamespace) { path.push(this.namespace.name); } path.push(this.name); return path.join(':'); } _getParams() { if (!this.action) return ""; let params = (new RegExp('(?:'+this.action.name+'\\s*|^)\\s*\\((.*?)\\)').exec(this.action.toString().replace(/\n/g, '')) || [''])[1].replace(/\/\*.*?\*\//g, '').replace(/ /g, ''); return params; } static getBaseNamespacePath(fullName) { return fullName.split(':').slice(0, -1).join(':'); } static getBaseTaskName(fullName) { return fullName.split(':').pop(); } } Task.runStatuses = { UNSTARTED: 'unstarted', DONE: 'done', STARTED: 'started', ERROR: 'error' }; Task.ROOT_TASK_NAME = ROOT_TASK_NAME; exports.Task = Task; // Required here because circular deps require('../rule');