import {flowParseAssignableListItemTypes} from "../plugins/flow"; import {tsParseAssignableListItemTypes, tsParseModifiers} from "../plugins/typescript"; import { eat, IdentifierRole, match, next, popTypeContext, pushTypeContext, } from "../tokenizer/index"; import {ContextualKeyword} from "../tokenizer/keywords"; import {TokenType, TokenType as tt} from "../tokenizer/types"; import {isFlowEnabled, isTypeScriptEnabled, state} from "./base"; import {parseIdentifier, parseMaybeAssign, parseObj} from "./expression"; import {expect, unexpected} from "./util"; export function parseSpread() { next(); parseMaybeAssign(false); } export function parseRest(isBlockScope) { next(); parseBindingAtom(isBlockScope); } export function parseBindingIdentifier(isBlockScope) { parseIdentifier(); markPriorBindingIdentifier(isBlockScope); } export function parseImportedIdentifier() { parseIdentifier(); state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].identifierRole = IdentifierRole.ImportDeclaration; } export function markPriorBindingIdentifier(isBlockScope) { let identifierRole; if (state.scopeDepth === 0) { identifierRole = IdentifierRole.TopLevelDeclaration; } else if (isBlockScope) { identifierRole = IdentifierRole.BlockScopedDeclaration; } else { identifierRole = IdentifierRole.FunctionScopedDeclaration; } state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].identifierRole = identifierRole; } // Parses lvalue (assignable) atom. export function parseBindingAtom(isBlockScope) { switch (state.type) { case tt._this: { // In TypeScript, "this" may be the name of a parameter, so allow it. const oldIsType = pushTypeContext(0); next(); popTypeContext(oldIsType); return; } case tt._yield: case { state.type =; parseBindingIdentifier(isBlockScope); return; } case tt.bracketL: { next(); parseBindingList(tt.bracketR, isBlockScope, true /* allowEmpty */); return; } case tt.braceL: parseObj(true, isBlockScope); return; default: unexpected(); } } export function parseBindingList( close, isBlockScope, allowEmpty = false, allowModifiers = false, contextId = 0, ) { let first = true; let hasRemovedComma = false; const firstItemTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; while (!eat(close) && !state.error) { if (first) { first = false; } else { expect(tt.comma); state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = contextId; // After a "this" type in TypeScript, we need to set the following comma (if any) to also be // a type token so that it will be removed. if (!hasRemovedComma && state.tokens[firstItemTokenIndex].isType) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].isType = true; hasRemovedComma = true; } } if (allowEmpty && match(tt.comma)) { // Empty item; nothing further to parse for this item. } else if (eat(close)) { break; } else if (match(tt.ellipsis)) { parseRest(isBlockScope); parseAssignableListItemTypes(); // Support rest element trailing commas allowed by TypeScript <2.9. eat(TokenType.comma); expect(close); break; } else { parseAssignableListItem(allowModifiers, isBlockScope); } } } function parseAssignableListItem(allowModifiers, isBlockScope) { if (allowModifiers) { tsParseModifiers([ ContextualKeyword._public, ContextualKeyword._protected, ContextualKeyword._private, ContextualKeyword._readonly, ContextualKeyword._override, ]); } parseMaybeDefault(isBlockScope); parseAssignableListItemTypes(); parseMaybeDefault(isBlockScope, true /* leftAlreadyParsed */); } function parseAssignableListItemTypes() { if (isFlowEnabled) { flowParseAssignableListItemTypes(); } else if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsParseAssignableListItemTypes(); } } // Parses assignment pattern around given atom if possible. export function parseMaybeDefault(isBlockScope, leftAlreadyParsed = false) { if (!leftAlreadyParsed) { parseBindingAtom(isBlockScope); } if (!eat(tt.eq)) { return; } const eqIndex = state.tokens.length - 1; parseMaybeAssign(); state.tokens[eqIndex].rhsEndIndex = state.tokens.length; }