"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true}); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var _tokenizer = require('../parser/tokenizer'); var _types = require('../parser/tokenizer/types'); var _Transformer = require('./Transformer'); var _Transformer2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Transformer); /** * Implementation of babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name, which adds a * display name to usages of React.createClass and createReactClass. */ class ReactDisplayNameTransformer extends _Transformer2.default { constructor( rootTransformer, tokens, importProcessor, options, ) { super();this.rootTransformer = rootTransformer;this.tokens = tokens;this.importProcessor = importProcessor;this.options = options;; } process() { const startIndex = this.tokens.currentIndex(); if (this.tokens.identifierName() === "createReactClass") { const newName = this.importProcessor && this.importProcessor.getIdentifierReplacement("createReactClass"); if (newName) { this.tokens.replaceToken(`(0, ${newName})`); } else { this.tokens.copyToken(); } this.tryProcessCreateClassCall(startIndex); return true; } if ( this.tokens.matches3(_types.TokenType.name, _types.TokenType.dot, _types.TokenType.name) && this.tokens.identifierName() === "React" && this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(this.tokens.currentIndex() + 2) === "createClass" ) { const newName = this.importProcessor ? this.importProcessor.getIdentifierReplacement("React") || "React" : "React"; if (newName) { this.tokens.replaceToken(newName); this.tokens.copyToken(); this.tokens.copyToken(); } else { this.tokens.copyToken(); this.tokens.copyToken(); this.tokens.copyToken(); } this.tryProcessCreateClassCall(startIndex); return true; } return false; } /** * This is called with the token position at the open-paren. */ tryProcessCreateClassCall(startIndex) { const displayName = this.findDisplayName(startIndex); if (!displayName) { return; } if (this.classNeedsDisplayName()) { this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(_types.TokenType.parenL); this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(_types.TokenType.braceL); this.tokens.appendCode(`displayName: '${displayName}',`); this.rootTransformer.processBalancedCode(); this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(_types.TokenType.braceR); this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(_types.TokenType.parenR); } } findDisplayName(startIndex) { if (startIndex < 2) { return null; } if (this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(startIndex - 2, _types.TokenType.name, _types.TokenType.eq)) { // This is an assignment (or declaration) and the LHS is either an identifier or a member // expression ending in an identifier, so use that identifier name. return this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(startIndex - 2); } if ( startIndex >= 2 && this.tokens.tokens[startIndex - 2].identifierRole === _tokenizer.IdentifierRole.ObjectKey ) { // This is an object literal value. return this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(startIndex - 2); } if (this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(startIndex - 2, _types.TokenType._export, _types.TokenType._default)) { return this.getDisplayNameFromFilename(); } return null; } getDisplayNameFromFilename() { const filePath = this.options.filePath || "unknown"; const pathSegments = filePath.split("/"); const filename = pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1]; const dotIndex = filename.lastIndexOf("."); const baseFilename = dotIndex === -1 ? filename : filename.slice(0, dotIndex); if (baseFilename === "index" && pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 2]) { return pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 2]; } else { return baseFilename; } } /** * We only want to add a display name when this is a function call containing * one argument, which is an object literal without `displayName` as an * existing key. */ classNeedsDisplayName() { let index = this.tokens.currentIndex(); if (!this.tokens.matches2(_types.TokenType.parenL, _types.TokenType.braceL)) { return false; } // The block starts on the {, and we expect any displayName key to be in // that context. We need to ignore other other contexts to avoid matching // nested displayName keys. const objectStartIndex = index + 1; const objectContextId = this.tokens.tokens[objectStartIndex].contextId; if (objectContextId == null) { throw new Error("Expected non-null context ID on object open-brace."); } for (; index < this.tokens.tokens.length; index++) { const token = this.tokens.tokens[index]; if (token.type === _types.TokenType.braceR && token.contextId === objectContextId) { index++; break; } if ( this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(index) === "displayName" && this.tokens.tokens[index].identifierRole === _tokenizer.IdentifierRole.ObjectKey && token.contextId === objectContextId ) { // We found a displayName key, so bail out. return false; } } if (index === this.tokens.tokens.length) { throw new Error("Unexpected end of input when processing React class."); } // If we got this far, we know we have createClass with an object with no // display name, so we want to proceed as long as that was the only argument. return ( this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, _types.TokenType.parenR) || this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(index, _types.TokenType.comma, _types.TokenType.parenR) ); } } exports.default = ReactDisplayNameTransformer;