"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { default: () => src_default }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); var import_plugin = __toESM(require("tailwindcss/plugin")); // node_modules/@catppuccin/palette/dist/index.mjs var latte = { rosewater: { hex: "#dc8a78", rgb: "rgb(220, 138, 120)", hsl: "hsl(11, 59%, 67%)", raw: "220, 138, 120" }, flamingo: { hex: "#dd7878", rgb: "rgb(221, 120, 120)", hsl: "hsl(0, 60%, 67%)", raw: "221, 120, 120" }, pink: { hex: "#ea76cb", rgb: "rgb(234, 118, 203)", hsl: "hsl(316, 73%, 69%)", raw: "234, 118, 203" }, mauve: { hex: "#8839ef", rgb: "rgb(136, 57, 239)", hsl: "hsl(266, 85%, 58%)", raw: "136, 57, 239" }, red: { hex: "#d20f39", rgb: "rgb(210, 15, 57)", hsl: "hsl(347, 87%, 44%)", raw: "210, 15, 57" }, maroon: { hex: "#e64553", rgb: "rgb(230, 69, 83)", hsl: "hsl(355, 76%, 59%)", raw: "230, 69, 83" }, peach: { hex: "#fe640b", rgb: "rgb(254, 100, 11)", hsl: "hsl(22, 99%, 52%)", raw: "254, 100, 11" }, yellow: { hex: "#df8e1d", rgb: "rgb(223, 142, 29)", hsl: "hsl(35, 77%, 49%)", raw: "223, 142, 29" }, green: { hex: "#40a02b", rgb: "rgb(64, 160, 43)", hsl: "hsl(109, 58%, 40%)", raw: "64, 160, 43" }, teal: { hex: "#179299", rgb: "rgb(23, 146, 153)", hsl: "hsl(183, 74%, 35%)", raw: "23, 146, 153" }, sky: { hex: "#04a5e5", rgb: "rgb(4, 165, 229)", hsl: "hsl(197, 97%, 46%)", raw: "4, 165, 229" }, sapphire: { hex: "#209fb5", rgb: "rgb(32, 159, 181)", hsl: "hsl(189, 70%, 42%)", raw: "32, 159, 181" }, blue: { hex: "#1e66f5", rgb: "rgb(30, 102, 245)", hsl: "hsl(220, 91%, 54%)", raw: "30, 102, 245" }, lavender: { hex: "#7287fd", rgb: "rgb(114, 135, 253)", hsl: "hsl(231, 97%, 72%)", raw: "114, 135, 253" }, text: { hex: "#4c4f69", rgb: "rgb(76, 79, 105)", hsl: "hsl(234, 16%, 35%)", raw: "76, 79, 105" }, subtext1: { hex: "#5c5f77", rgb: "rgb(92, 95, 119)", hsl: "hsl(233, 13%, 41%)", raw: "92, 95, 119" }, subtext0: { hex: "#6c6f85", rgb: "rgb(108, 111, 133)", hsl: "hsl(233, 10%, 47%)", raw: "108, 111, 133" }, overlay2: { hex: "#7c7f93", rgb: "rgb(124, 127, 147)", hsl: "hsl(232, 10%, 53%)", raw: "124, 127, 147" }, overlay1: { hex: "#8c8fa1", rgb: "rgb(140, 143, 161)", hsl: "hsl(231, 10%, 59%)", raw: "140, 143, 161" }, overlay0: { hex: "#9ca0b0", rgb: "rgb(156, 160, 176)", hsl: "hsl(228, 11%, 65%)", raw: "156, 160, 176" }, surface2: { hex: "#acb0be", rgb: "rgb(172, 176, 190)", hsl: "hsl(227, 12%, 71%)", raw: "172, 176, 190" }, surface1: { hex: "#bcc0cc", rgb: "rgb(188, 192, 204)", hsl: "hsl(225, 14%, 77%)", raw: "188, 192, 204" }, surface0: { hex: "#ccd0da", rgb: "rgb(204, 208, 218)", hsl: "hsl(223, 16%, 83%)", raw: "204, 208, 218" }, base: { hex: "#eff1f5", rgb: "rgb(239, 241, 245)", hsl: "hsl(220, 23%, 95%)", raw: "239, 241, 245" }, mantle: { hex: "#e6e9ef", rgb: "rgb(230, 233, 239)", hsl: "hsl(220, 22%, 92%)", raw: "230, 233, 239" }, crust: { hex: "#dce0e8", rgb: "rgb(220, 224, 232)", hsl: "hsl(220, 21%, 89%)", raw: "220, 224, 232" } }; var frappe = { rosewater: { hex: "#f2d5cf", rgb: "rgb(242, 213, 207)", hsl: "hsl(10, 57%, 88%)", raw: "242, 213, 207" }, flamingo: { hex: "#eebebe", rgb: "rgb(238, 190, 190)", hsl: "hsl(0, 59%, 84%)", raw: "238, 190, 190" }, pink: { hex: "#f4b8e4", rgb: "rgb(244, 184, 228)", hsl: "hsl(316, 73%, 84%)", raw: "244, 184, 228" }, mauve: { hex: "#ca9ee6", rgb: "rgb(202, 158, 230)", hsl: "hsl(277, 59%, 76%)", raw: "202, 158, 230" }, red: { hex: "#e78284", rgb: "rgb(231, 130, 132)", hsl: "hsl(359, 68%, 71%)", raw: "231, 130, 132" }, maroon: { hex: "#ea999c", rgb: "rgb(234, 153, 156)", hsl: "hsl(358, 66%, 76%)", raw: "234, 153, 156" }, peach: { hex: "#ef9f76", rgb: "rgb(239, 159, 118)", hsl: "hsl(20, 79%, 70%)", raw: "239, 159, 118" }, yellow: { hex: "#e5c890", rgb: "rgb(229, 200, 144)", hsl: "hsl(40, 62%, 73%)", raw: "229, 200, 144" }, green: { hex: "#a6d189", rgb: "rgb(166, 209, 137)", hsl: "hsl(96, 44%, 68%)", raw: "166, 209, 137" }, teal: { hex: "#81c8be", rgb: "rgb(129, 200, 190)", hsl: "hsl(172, 39%, 65%)", raw: "129, 200, 190" }, sky: { hex: "#99d1db", rgb: "rgb(153, 209, 219)", hsl: "hsl(189, 48%, 73%)", raw: "153, 209, 219" }, sapphire: { hex: "#85c1dc", rgb: "rgb(133, 193, 220)", hsl: "hsl(199, 55%, 69%)", raw: "133, 193, 220" }, blue: { hex: "#8caaee", rgb: "rgb(140, 170, 238)", hsl: "hsl(222, 74%, 74%)", raw: "140, 170, 238" }, lavender: { hex: "#babbf1", rgb: "rgb(186, 187, 241)", hsl: "hsl(239, 66%, 84%)", raw: "186, 187, 241" }, text: { hex: "#c6d0f5", rgb: "rgb(198, 208, 245)", hsl: "hsl(227, 70%, 87%)", raw: "198, 208, 245" }, subtext1: { hex: "#b5bfe2", rgb: "rgb(181, 191, 226)", hsl: "hsl(227, 44%, 80%)", raw: "181, 191, 226" }, subtext0: { hex: "#a5adce", rgb: "rgb(165, 173, 206)", hsl: "hsl(228, 29%, 73%)", raw: "165, 173, 206" }, overlay2: { hex: "#949cbb", rgb: "rgb(148, 156, 187)", hsl: "hsl(228, 22%, 66%)", raw: "148, 156, 187" }, overlay1: { hex: "#838ba7", rgb: "rgb(131, 139, 167)", hsl: "hsl(227, 17%, 58%)", raw: "131, 139, 167" }, overlay0: { hex: "#737994", rgb: "rgb(115, 121, 148)", hsl: "hsl(229, 13%, 52%)", raw: "115, 121, 148" }, surface2: { hex: "#626880", rgb: "rgb(98, 104, 128)", hsl: "hsl(228, 13%, 44%)", raw: "98, 104, 128" }, surface1: { hex: "#51576d", rgb: "rgb(81, 87, 109)", hsl: "hsl(227, 15%, 37%)", raw: "81, 87, 109" }, surface0: { hex: "#414559", rgb: "rgb(65, 69, 89)", hsl: "hsl(230, 16%, 30%)", raw: "65, 69, 89" }, base: { hex: "#303446", rgb: "rgb(48, 52, 70)", hsl: "hsl(229, 19%, 23%)", raw: "48, 52, 70" }, mantle: { hex: "#292c3c", rgb: "rgb(41, 44, 60)", hsl: "hsl(231, 19%, 20%)", raw: "41, 44, 60" }, crust: { hex: "#232634", rgb: "rgb(35, 38, 52)", hsl: "hsl(229, 20%, 17%)", raw: "35, 38, 52" } }; var macchiato = { rosewater: { hex: "#f4dbd6", rgb: "rgb(244, 219, 214)", hsl: "hsl(10, 58%, 90%)", raw: "244, 219, 214" }, flamingo: { hex: "#f0c6c6", rgb: "rgb(240, 198, 198)", hsl: "hsl(0, 58%, 86%)", raw: "240, 198, 198" }, pink: { hex: "#f5bde6", rgb: "rgb(245, 189, 230)", hsl: "hsl(316, 74%, 85%)", raw: "245, 189, 230" }, mauve: { hex: "#c6a0f6", rgb: "rgb(198, 160, 246)", hsl: "hsl(267, 83%, 80%)", raw: "198, 160, 246" }, red: { hex: "#ed8796", rgb: "rgb(237, 135, 150)", hsl: "hsl(351, 74%, 73%)", raw: "237, 135, 150" }, maroon: { hex: "#ee99a0", rgb: "rgb(238, 153, 160)", hsl: "hsl(355, 71%, 77%)", raw: "238, 153, 160" }, peach: { hex: "#f5a97f", rgb: "rgb(245, 169, 127)", hsl: "hsl(21, 86%, 73%)", raw: "245, 169, 127" }, yellow: { hex: "#eed49f", rgb: "rgb(238, 212, 159)", hsl: "hsl(40, 70%, 78%)", raw: "238, 212, 159" }, green: { hex: "#a6da95", rgb: "rgb(166, 218, 149)", hsl: "hsl(105, 48%, 72%)", raw: "166, 218, 149" }, teal: { hex: "#8bd5ca", rgb: "rgb(139, 213, 202)", hsl: "hsl(171, 47%, 69%)", raw: "139, 213, 202" }, sky: { hex: "#91d7e3", rgb: "rgb(145, 215, 227)", hsl: "hsl(189, 59%, 73%)", raw: "145, 215, 227" }, sapphire: { hex: "#7dc4e4", rgb: "rgb(125, 196, 228)", hsl: "hsl(199, 66%, 69%)", raw: "125, 196, 228" }, blue: { hex: "#8aadf4", rgb: "rgb(138, 173, 244)", hsl: "hsl(220, 83%, 75%)", raw: "138, 173, 244" }, lavender: { hex: "#b7bdf8", rgb: "rgb(183, 189, 248)", hsl: "hsl(234, 82%, 85%)", raw: "183, 189, 248" }, text: { hex: "#cad3f5", rgb: "rgb(202, 211, 245)", hsl: "hsl(227, 68%, 88%)", raw: "202, 211, 245" }, subtext1: { hex: "#b8c0e0", rgb: "rgb(184, 192, 224)", hsl: "hsl(228, 39%, 80%)", raw: "184, 192, 224" }, subtext0: { hex: "#a5adcb", rgb: "rgb(165, 173, 203)", hsl: "hsl(227, 27%, 72%)", raw: "165, 173, 203" }, overlay2: { hex: "#939ab7", rgb: "rgb(147, 154, 183)", hsl: "hsl(228, 20%, 65%)", raw: "147, 154, 183" }, overlay1: { hex: "#8087a2", rgb: "rgb(128, 135, 162)", hsl: "hsl(228, 15%, 57%)", raw: "128, 135, 162" }, overlay0: { hex: "#6e738d", rgb: "rgb(110, 115, 141)", hsl: "hsl(230, 12%, 49%)", raw: "110, 115, 141" }, surface2: { hex: "#5b6078", rgb: "rgb(91, 96, 120)", hsl: "hsl(230, 14%, 41%)", raw: "91, 96, 120" }, surface1: { hex: "#494d64", rgb: "rgb(73, 77, 100)", hsl: "hsl(231, 16%, 34%)", raw: "73, 77, 100" }, surface0: { hex: "#363a4f", rgb: "rgb(54, 58, 79)", hsl: "hsl(230, 19%, 26%)", raw: "54, 58, 79" }, base: { hex: "#24273a", rgb: "rgb(36, 39, 58)", hsl: "hsl(232, 23%, 18%)", raw: "36, 39, 58" }, mantle: { hex: "#1e2030", rgb: "rgb(30, 32, 48)", hsl: "hsl(233, 23%, 15%)", raw: "30, 32, 48" }, crust: { hex: "#181926", rgb: "rgb(24, 25, 38)", hsl: "hsl(236, 23%, 12%)", raw: "24, 25, 38" } }; var mocha = { rosewater: { hex: "#f5e0dc", rgb: "rgb(245, 224, 220)", hsl: "hsl(10, 56%, 91%)", raw: "245, 224, 220" }, flamingo: { hex: "#f2cdcd", rgb: "rgb(242, 205, 205)", hsl: "hsl(0, 59%, 88%)", raw: "242, 205, 205" }, pink: { hex: "#f5c2e7", rgb: "rgb(245, 194, 231)", hsl: "hsl(316, 72%, 86%)", raw: "245, 194, 231" }, mauve: { hex: "#cba6f7", rgb: "rgb(203, 166, 247)", hsl: "hsl(267, 84%, 81%)", raw: "203, 166, 247" }, red: { hex: "#f38ba8", rgb: "rgb(243, 139, 168)", hsl: "hsl(343, 81%, 75%)", raw: "243, 139, 168" }, maroon: { hex: "#eba0ac", rgb: "rgb(235, 160, 172)", hsl: "hsl(350, 65%, 77%)", raw: "235, 160, 172" }, peach: { hex: "#fab387", rgb: "rgb(250, 179, 135)", hsl: "hsl(23, 92%, 75%)", raw: "250, 179, 135" }, yellow: { hex: "#f9e2af", rgb: "rgb(249, 226, 175)", hsl: "hsl(41, 86%, 83%)", raw: "249, 226, 175" }, green: { hex: "#a6e3a1", rgb: "rgb(166, 227, 161)", hsl: "hsl(115, 54%, 76%)", raw: "166, 227, 161" }, teal: { hex: "#94e2d5", rgb: "rgb(148, 226, 213)", hsl: "hsl(170, 57%, 73%)", raw: "148, 226, 213" }, sky: { hex: "#89dceb", rgb: "rgb(137, 220, 235)", hsl: "hsl(189, 71%, 73%)", raw: "137, 220, 235" }, sapphire: { hex: "#74c7ec", rgb: "rgb(116, 199, 236)", hsl: "hsl(199, 76%, 69%)", raw: "116, 199, 236" }, blue: { hex: "#89b4fa", rgb: "rgb(137, 180, 250)", hsl: "hsl(217, 92%, 76%)", raw: "137, 180, 250" }, lavender: { hex: "#b4befe", rgb: "rgb(180, 190, 254)", hsl: "hsl(232, 97%, 85%)", raw: "180, 190, 254" }, text: { hex: "#cdd6f4", rgb: "rgb(205, 214, 244)", hsl: "hsl(226, 64%, 88%)", raw: "205, 214, 244" }, subtext1: { hex: "#bac2de", rgb: "rgb(186, 194, 222)", hsl: "hsl(227, 35%, 80%)", raw: "186, 194, 222" }, subtext0: { hex: "#a6adc8", rgb: "rgb(166, 173, 200)", hsl: "hsl(228, 24%, 72%)", raw: "166, 173, 200" }, overlay2: { hex: "#9399b2", rgb: "rgb(147, 153, 178)", hsl: "hsl(228, 17%, 64%)", raw: "147, 153, 178" }, overlay1: { hex: "#7f849c", rgb: "rgb(127, 132, 156)", hsl: "hsl(230, 13%, 55%)", raw: "127, 132, 156" }, overlay0: { hex: "#6c7086", rgb: "rgb(108, 112, 134)", hsl: "hsl(231, 11%, 47%)", raw: "108, 112, 134" }, surface2: { hex: "#585b70", rgb: "rgb(88, 91, 112)", hsl: "hsl(233, 12%, 39%)", raw: "88, 91, 112" }, surface1: { hex: "#45475a", rgb: "rgb(69, 71, 90)", hsl: "hsl(234, 13%, 31%)", raw: "69, 71, 90" }, surface0: { hex: "#313244", rgb: "rgb(49, 50, 68)", hsl: "hsl(237, 16%, 23%)", raw: "49, 50, 68" }, base: { hex: "#1e1e2e", rgb: "rgb(30, 30, 46)", hsl: "hsl(240, 21%, 15%)", raw: "30, 30, 46" }, mantle: { hex: "#181825", rgb: "rgb(24, 24, 37)", hsl: "hsl(240, 21%, 12%)", raw: "24, 24, 37" }, crust: { hex: "#11111b", rgb: "rgb(17, 17, 27)", hsl: "hsl(240, 23%, 9%)", raw: "17, 17, 27" } }; var palettes = { variants: { latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha }, labels: { rosewater: { latte: latte.rosewater, frappe: frappe.rosewater, macchiato: macchiato.rosewater, mocha: mocha.rosewater }, flamingo: { latte: latte.flamingo, frappe: frappe.flamingo, macchiato: macchiato.flamingo, mocha: mocha.flamingo }, pink: { latte: latte.pink, frappe: frappe.pink, macchiato: macchiato.pink, mocha: mocha.pink }, mauve: { latte: latte.mauve, frappe: frappe.mauve, macchiato: macchiato.mauve, mocha: mocha.mauve }, red: { latte: latte.red, frappe: frappe.red, macchiato: macchiato.red, mocha: mocha.red }, maroon: { latte: latte.maroon, frappe: frappe.maroon, macchiato: macchiato.maroon, mocha: mocha.maroon }, peach: { latte: latte.peach, frappe: frappe.peach, macchiato: macchiato.peach, mocha: mocha.peach }, yellow: { latte: latte.yellow, frappe: frappe.yellow, macchiato: macchiato.yellow, mocha: mocha.yellow }, green: { latte: latte.green, frappe: frappe.green, macchiato: macchiato.green, mocha: mocha.green }, teal: { latte: latte.teal, frappe: frappe.teal, macchiato: macchiato.teal, mocha: mocha.teal }, sky: { latte: latte.sky, frappe: frappe.sky, macchiato: macchiato.sky, mocha: mocha.sky }, sapphire: { latte: latte.sapphire, frappe: frappe.sapphire, macchiato: macchiato.sapphire, mocha: mocha.sapphire }, blue: { latte: latte.blue, frappe: frappe.blue, macchiato: macchiato.blue, mocha: mocha.blue }, lavender: { latte: latte.lavender, frappe: frappe.lavender, macchiato: macchiato.lavender, mocha: mocha.lavender }, text: { latte: latte.text, frappe: frappe.text, macchiato: macchiato.text, mocha: mocha.text }, subtext1: { latte: latte.subtext1, frappe: frappe.subtext1, macchiato: macchiato.subtext1, mocha: mocha.subtext1 }, subtext0: { latte: latte.subtext0, frappe: frappe.subtext0, macchiato: macchiato.subtext0, mocha: mocha.subtext0 }, overlay2: { latte: latte.overlay2, frappe: frappe.overlay2, macchiato: macchiato.overlay2, mocha: mocha.overlay2 }, overlay1: { latte: latte.overlay1, frappe: frappe.overlay1, macchiato: macchiato.overlay1, mocha: mocha.overlay1 }, overlay0: { latte: latte.overlay0, frappe: frappe.overlay0, macchiato: macchiato.overlay0, mocha: mocha.overlay0 }, surface2: { latte: latte.surface2, frappe: frappe.surface2, macchiato: macchiato.surface2, mocha: mocha.surface2 }, surface1: { latte: latte.surface1, frappe: frappe.surface1, macchiato: macchiato.surface1, mocha: mocha.surface1 }, surface0: { latte: latte.surface0, frappe: frappe.surface0, macchiato: macchiato.surface0, mocha: mocha.surface0 }, base: { latte: latte.base, frappe: frappe.base, macchiato: macchiato.base, mocha: mocha.base }, mantle: { latte: latte.mantle, frappe: frappe.mantle, macchiato: macchiato.mantle, mocha: mocha.mantle }, crust: { latte: latte.crust, frappe: frappe.crust, macchiato: macchiato.crust, mocha: mocha.crust } } }; var { variants, labels } = palettes; // src/index.ts var withOpacity = (variableName) => { return ({ opacityValue }) => { if (opacityValue !== void 0) { return `rgba(var(${variableName}), ${opacityValue})`; } return `rgb(var(${variableName}))`; }; }; var palette = {}; Object.keys(variants).map((variant) => { palette[variant] = {}; Object.keys(variants[variant]).map((color) => { palette[variant][color] = variants[variant][color].hex; }); }); var flavors = Object.keys(palette); var colors = Object.keys(palette[flavors[0]]); var parseHexToRGB = (hex) => { const hexColor = hex.replace("#", ""); const r = parseInt(hexColor.substring(0, 2), 16); const g = parseInt(hexColor.substring(2, 4), 16); const b = parseInt(hexColor.substring(4, 6), 16); return `${r}, ${g}, ${b}`; }; var generateColorCss = (defaultFlavor = "", prefix = false) => { const result = {}; flavors.map((variant) => { const className = prefix ? `.${prefix}-${variant}` : `.${variant}`; const keyName = variant === defaultFlavor ? ":root" : className; result[keyName] = {}; colors.map((color) => { result[keyName][`--ctp-${color}`] = parseHexToRGB( palette[variant][color] ); }); }); return result; }; var generateOptions = (prefix = false) => { const result = {}; colors.map((color) => { const keyName = prefix ? `${prefix}-${color}` : color; result[keyName] = { DEFAULT: withOpacity(`--ctp-${color}`) }; }); return result; }; var colorConfigKeys = [ "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "caretColor", "colors", "divideColor", "fill", "gradientColorStops", "placeholderColor", "ringColor", "ringOffsetColor", "stroke", "textColor" ]; var src_default = import_plugin.default.withOptions( (options) => { return ({ addBase }) => { addBase(generateColorCss(options == null ? void 0 : options.defaultFlavour, options == null ? void 0 : options.prefix)); }; }, (options) => { const extendOption = {}; colorConfigKeys.map((key) => { extendOption[key] = generateOptions(options == null ? void 0 : options.prefix); }); const config = { content: [], theme: { extend: extendOption } }; return config; } ); module.exports = module.exports.default;