describe 'haml' describe '.version' it 'should be a triplet' haml.version.should.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) end end describe '.compile()' it 'should return a function' var fn = haml.compile('%foo= bar'); fn({ bar: 'baz' }).should.equal '\nbaz' end end describe 'Parser' it 'should be available for extension' haml.Parser.should.not.be_undefined end end describe '.render()' before assertAs = function(name, type, options) { var str = fixture(name + '.haml') try { var html = haml.render(str, options).trim(), expected = fixture(name + '.' + type).trim() if (html === expected) pass() else fail('got:\n' + html + '\n\nexpected:\n' + expected) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof haml.HamlError) { throw err } else { fail('\n:' + err.stack + '\n') } } } assert = function(name, options) { assertAs(name, 'html', options, 'CRLF', '\r\n') } assertXML = function(name, options) { assertAs(name, 'xml', options, 'CRLF', '\r\n') } end it 'should allow passing of a context object' assert('context', { context: 'yay' }) end it 'should allow passing of literals' assert('literals', { locals: { user: 'tj' }}) end it 'should not fail on trailing indents' assert('trailing-indent') end it 'should add xml support via the "xml" option' assertXML('feed', { xml: true }) end it 'should support xml namespaces' assertXML('namespace') end it 'should utilize "filename" option when an error is thrown' try { assert('error', { filename: 'error.haml' }) } catch (err) { err.message.should.eql '(error.haml):3 invalid indentation; got 3, when previous was 1' } end it 'should default filename to "Haml" when an error is thrown' try { assert('error') } catch (err) { err.message.should.eql '(Haml):3 invalid indentation; got 3, when previous was 1' } end it 'should bitch when "cache" is true without a filename given' // -{ assert('tag.simple', { cache: true }) }.should.throw_error end it 'should pre-compiled and cache when "cache" is true' assert('tag.simple', { cache: true, filename: 'tag.simple.haml' }) assert('tag.simple', { cache: true, filename: 'tag.simple.haml' }) end it 'should support blank lines' assert('newlines') end describe '.class' it 'should output a div with the given class' assert('class') end it 'should work with several classes' assert('classes') end end describe '#id' it 'should output a div with the given id' assert('id') end end describe '%tag' it 'should work with no text or block' assert('tag.simple') end it 'should work with text' assert('tag.text') end it 'should work with block text' assert('tag.text.block') end it 'should work with blocks of text and tags' assert('tag.text.block.complex') end it 'should work with many classes / ids / attrs' assert('tag.complex') end it 'should allow empty tags' assert('tag.empty') end end describe '%tag.class' it 'should output tag with a class' assert('tag.class') end it 'should work with several classes' assert('tag.classes') end it 'should support self-closing tags' assert('tag.self-close') end end describe '%tag!=' it 'should output the evaluated code' assert('tag.code') end it 'should not escape output' assert('') end end describe '%tag=' it 'should escape the evaluated code' assert('tag.escape') end end describe '%namespace:tag' it 'should output a tag with a namespace prefix' assert('namespace.tag') end end describe '{...}' it 'should be mapped as html attributes' assert('tag.attrs') end it 'should escape values' assert('tag.attrs.escape') end it 'should allow booleans' assert('tag.attrs.bools') end end describe '!!!' it 'should default the doctype to 1.0 transitional' assert('doctype') end end describe '!!! NAME' it 'should output a specific doctype' assert('doctype.xml') end it 'should be case-insensitive' assert('') end end describe 'nesting' it 'should work when nested downwards' assert('nesting.simple') end it 'should work when blocks outdent' assert('nesting.complex') end end describe '- code' it 'should work with if statements' assert('code.if') end it 'should work when nested' assert('code.nested') end end describe '- each' it 'should iterate' assert('code.each', { locals: { items: ['one', 'two', 'three'] }}) assert('code.each.non-enumerable', { locals: { items: null }}) end it 'should iterate objects' assert('code.each', { locals: { items: { 0: 'one', 1: 'two', 2: 'three' }}}) assert('code.each.index', { locals: { items: { 0: 'one', 1: 'two', 2: 'three' }}}) end it 'should iterate with index' assert('code.each.index', { locals: { items: ['one', 'two', 'three'] }}) end end describe '= code' it 'should output evaluation' assert('code') end end describe '&= code' it 'should output evaluation while escaping html entities' assert('code.escape') end end describe '' it 'should remain intact' assert('html') end end describe '\\char' it 'should escape the character' assert('escape') end end describe '-#' it 'should become a silent comment' assert('comment') end end describe '/' it 'should comment out tags' assert('comment.tag') end it 'should comment out blocks' assert('comment.block') end it 'should comment out text' assert('comment.text') end it 'should work in blocks' assert('comment.text.complex') end end describe '/[]' it 'should insert conditional comment blocks' assert('comment.block.conditional') end end describe ':filter' describe 'plain' it 'should ignore haml specific characters' assert('filter.plain') end end describe 'cdata' it 'should wrap with CDATA tags' assert('filter.cdata') end it 'should retain whitespace' assert('filter.cdata.whitespace') end end describe 'javascript' it 'should wrap with