475 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
475 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
const { set: lodashSet, get: lodashGet, chunk: lodashChunk } = require("@11ty/lodash-custom");
const { isPlainObject } = require("@11ty/eleventy-utils");
const EleventyBaseError = require("../EleventyBaseError");
const { DeepCopy } = require("../Util/Merge");
const { ProxyWrap } = require("../Util/ProxyWrap");
let serverlessUrlFilter = require("../Filters/ServerlessUrl");
class PaginationConfigError extends EleventyBaseError {}
class PaginationError extends EleventyBaseError {}
class Pagination {
constructor(tmpl, data, config) {
if (!config) {
throw new PaginationConfigError("Expected `config` argument to Pagination class.");
this.config = config;
get inputPathForErrorMessages() {
if (this.template) {
return ` (${this.template.inputPath})`;
return "";
static hasPagination(data) {
return "pagination" in data;
hasPagination() {
if (!this.data) {
throw new Error(
`Missing \`setData\` call for Pagination object${this.inputPathForErrorMessages}`
return Pagination.hasPagination(this.data);
circularReferenceCheck(data) {
if (data.eleventyExcludeFromCollections) {
let key = data.pagination.data;
let tags = data.tags || [];
for (let tag of tags) {
if (`collections.${tag}` === key) {
throw new PaginationError(
`Pagination circular reference${this.inputPathForErrorMessages}, data:\`${key}\` iterates over both the \`${tag}\` tag and also supplies pages to that tag.`
setData(data) {
this.data = data || {};
this.target = [];
if (!this.hasPagination()) {
if (!data.pagination) {
throw new Error(
`Misconfigured pagination data in template front matter${this.inputPathForErrorMessages} (YAML front matter precaution: did you use tabs and not spaces for indentation?).`
} else if (!("size" in data.pagination)) {
throw new Error(
`Missing pagination size in front matter data${this.inputPathForErrorMessages}`
this.size = data.pagination.size;
this.alias = data.pagination.alias;
// TODO do we need the full data set for serverless?
this.fullDataSet = this._get(this.data, this._getDataKey());
// this returns an array
this.target = this._resolveItems();
// truncate pagination data if user-supplied `serverlessFilter` function
if (
data.pagination.serverless &&
this._has(data, data.pagination.serverless) &&
typeof data.pagination.serverlessFilter === "function"
) {
// Warn: this doesn’t run filter/before/pagination transformations
// Warn: `pagination.pages`, pageNumber, links, hrefs, etc
let serverlessPaginationKey = this._get(data, data.pagination.serverless);
this.chunkedItems = [
data.pagination.serverlessFilter(this.fullDataSet, serverlessPaginationKey),
} else {
this.chunkedItems = this.pagedItems;
setTemplate(tmpl) {
this.template = tmpl;
_getDataKey() {
return this.data.pagination.data;
shouldResolveDataToObjectValues() {
if ("resolve" in this.data.pagination) {
return this.data.pagination.resolve === "values";
return false;
isFiltered(value) {
if ("filter" in this.data.pagination) {
let filtered = this.data.pagination.filter;
if (Array.isArray(filtered)) {
return filtered.indexOf(value) > -1;
return filtered === value;
return false;
_has(target, key) {
let notFoundValue = "__NOT_FOUND_ERROR__";
let data = lodashGet(target, key, notFoundValue);
return data !== notFoundValue;
_get(target, key) {
let notFoundValue = "__NOT_FOUND_ERROR__";
let data = lodashGet(target, key, notFoundValue);
if (data === notFoundValue) {
throw new Error(
`Could not find pagination data${this.inputPathForErrorMessages}, went looking for: ${key}`
return data;
_resolveItems() {
let keys;
if (Array.isArray(this.fullDataSet)) {
keys = this.fullDataSet;
this.paginationTargetType = "array";
} else if (isPlainObject(this.fullDataSet)) {
this.paginationTargetType = "object";
if (this.shouldResolveDataToObjectValues()) {
keys = Object.values(this.fullDataSet);
} else {
keys = Object.keys(this.fullDataSet);
} else {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected data found in pagination target${this.inputPathForErrorMessages}: expected an Array or an Object.`
// keys must be an array
let result = keys.slice();
if (this.data.pagination.before && typeof this.data.pagination.before === "function") {
// we don’t need to make a copy of this because we .slice() above to create a new copy
let fns = {};
if (this.config) {
fns = this.config.javascriptFunctions;
result = this.data.pagination.before.call(fns, result, this.data);
if (this.data.pagination.reverse === true) {
result = result.reverse();
if (this.data.pagination.filter) {
result = result.filter((value) => !this.isFiltered(value));
return result;
get pagedItems() {
if (!this.data) {
throw new Error(
`Missing \`setData\` call for Pagination object${this.inputPathForErrorMessages}`
const chunks = lodashChunk(this.target, this.size);
if (this.data.pagination && this.data.pagination.generatePageOnEmptyData) {
return chunks.length ? chunks : [[]];
} else {
return chunks;
getPageCount() {
if (!this.hasPagination()) {
return 0;
return this.chunkedItems.length;
getNormalizedItems(pageItems) {
return this.size === 1 ? pageItems[0] : pageItems;
getOverrideDataPages(items, pageNumber) {
return {
// See Issue #345 for more examples
page: {
previous: pageNumber > 0 ? this.getNormalizedItems(items[pageNumber - 1]) : null,
next: pageNumber < items.length - 1 ? this.getNormalizedItems(items[pageNumber + 1]) : null,
first: items.length ? this.getNormalizedItems(items[0]) : null,
last: items.length ? this.getNormalizedItems(items[items.length - 1]) : null,
getOverrideDataLinks(pageNumber, templateCount, links) {
let obj = {};
// links are okay but hrefs are better
obj.previousPageLink = pageNumber > 0 ? links[pageNumber - 1] : null;
obj.previous = obj.previousPageLink;
obj.nextPageLink = pageNumber < templateCount - 1 ? links[pageNumber + 1] : null;
obj.next = obj.nextPageLink;
obj.firstPageLink = links.length > 0 ? links[0] : null;
obj.lastPageLink = links.length > 0 ? links[links.length - 1] : null;
obj.links = links;
// todo deprecated, consistency with collections and use links instead
obj.pageLinks = links;
return obj;
getOverrideDataHrefs(pageNumber, templateCount, hrefs) {
let obj = {};
// hrefs are better than links
obj.previousPageHref = pageNumber > 0 ? hrefs[pageNumber - 1] : null;
obj.nextPageHref = pageNumber < templateCount - 1 ? hrefs[pageNumber + 1] : null;
obj.firstPageHref = hrefs.length > 0 ? hrefs[0] : null;
obj.lastPageHref = hrefs.length > 0 ? hrefs[hrefs.length - 1] : null;
obj.hrefs = hrefs;
// better names
obj.href = {
previous: obj.previousPageHref,
next: obj.nextPageHref,
first: obj.firstPageHref,
last: obj.lastPageHref,
return obj;
async getPageTemplates() {
if (!this.data) {
throw new Error(
`Missing \`setData\` call for Pagination object${this.inputPathForErrorMessages}`
if (!this.hasPagination()) {
return [];
let entries = [];
let items = this.chunkedItems;
let pages = this.size === 1 ? items.map((entry) => entry[0]) : items;
let links = [];
let hrefs = [];
let hasPermalinkField = Boolean(this.data[this.config.keys.permalink]);
let hasComputedPermalinkField = Boolean(
this.data.eleventyComputed && this.data.eleventyComputed[this.config.keys.permalink]
// Do *not* pass collections through DeepCopy, we’ll re-add them back in later.
let collections = this.data.collections;
if (collections) {
delete this.data.collections;
let parentData = DeepCopy(
pagination: {
data: this.data.pagination.data,
size: this.data.pagination.size,
alias: this.alias,
// Restore skipped collections
if (collections) {
this.data.collections = collections;
// Keep the original reference to the collections, no deep copy!!
parentData.collections = collections;
// TODO future improvement dea: use a light Template wrapper for paged template clones (PagedTemplate?)
// so that we don’t have the memory cost of the full template (and can reuse the parent
// template for some things)
let indeces = new Set();
let currentPageIndex;
// Serverless pagination:
if (this._has(this.data, "pagination.serverless")) {
let serverlessPaginationKey;
if (this.paginationTargetType === "object" && this.shouldResolveDataToObjectValues()) {
serverlessPaginationKey = Object.keys(this.fullDataSet)[0];
} else {
serverlessPaginationKey = 0;
if (this._has(this.data, this.data.pagination.serverless)) {
serverlessPaginationKey = this._get(this.data, this.data.pagination.serverless);
if (this.paginationTargetType === "array") {
currentPageIndex = parseInt(serverlessPaginationKey, 10);
indeces.add(0); // first
if (currentPageIndex > 0) {
indeces.add(currentPageIndex - 1); // previous
if (currentPageIndex >= 0 && currentPageIndex <= items.length - 1) {
indeces.add(currentPageIndex); // current
if (currentPageIndex + 1 < items.length) {
indeces.add(currentPageIndex + 1); // next
indeces.add(items.length - 1); // last
} else if (this.paginationTargetType === "object") {
if (this.shouldResolveDataToObjectValues()) {
currentPageIndex = Object.keys(this.fullDataSet).findIndex(
(key) => key === serverlessPaginationKey
} else {
currentPageIndex = items.findIndex((entry) => entry[0] === serverlessPaginationKey);
// Array->findIndex returns -1 when not found
if (currentPageIndex !== -1) {
indeces.add(currentPageIndex); // current
} else {
for (let j = 0; j <= items.length - 1; j++) {
for (let pageNumber of indeces) {
let cloned = this.template.clone();
if (pageNumber > 0 && !hasPermalinkField && !hasComputedPermalinkField) {
let paginationData = {
pagination: {
items: items[pageNumber],
page: {},
Object.assign(paginationData.pagination, this.getOverrideDataPages(items, pageNumber));
if (this.alias) {
// When aliasing an object in serverless, use the object value and not the key
if (
this.paginationTargetType === "object" &&
this._has(this.data, this.data.pagination.serverless)
) {
// This should maybe be the default for all object pagination, not just serverless ones?
let keys = this.getNormalizedItems(items[pageNumber]);
if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
key.map((key) => this._get(this.fullDataSet, key))
} else {
if (this.shouldResolveDataToObjectValues()) {
lodashSet(paginationData, this.alias, keys);
} else {
lodashSet(paginationData, this.alias, this._get(this.fullDataSet, keys));
} else {
lodashSet(paginationData, this.alias, this.getNormalizedItems(items[pageNumber]));
// Do *not* deep merge pagination data! See https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/issues/147#issuecomment-440802454
let clonedData = ProxyWrap(paginationData, parentData);
let { linkInstance, rawPath, path, href } = await cloned.getOutputLocations(clonedData);
// TODO subdirectory to links if the site doesn’t live at /
if (rawPath) {
links.push("/" + rawPath);
if (this._has(this.data, "pagination.serverless")) {
let keys = this.data.pagination.serverless.split(".");
let key = keys.pop();
let serverlessUrls = linkInstance.getServerlessUrls();
let validUrls = Object.values(serverlessUrls)
.filter((entry) => entry.includes(`/:${key}/`));
if (validUrls.length === 0) {
throw new Error(
`Serverless pagination template (${this.data.page.inputPath}) has no \`permalink.${key}\` with \`/:${key}/\``
href = serverlessUrlFilter(validUrls[0], { [key]: pageNumber });
// page.url and page.outputPath are used to avoid another getOutputLocations call later, see Template->addComputedData
clonedData.page.url = href;
clonedData.page.outputPath = path;
template: cloned,
data: clonedData,
// we loop twice to pass in the appropriate prev/next links (already full generated now)
let index = 0;
for (let pageEntry of entries) {
let linksObj = this.getOverrideDataLinks(index, items.length, links);
Object.assign(pageEntry.data.pagination, linksObj);
let hrefsObj = this.getOverrideDataHrefs(index, items.length, hrefs);
Object.assign(pageEntry.data.pagination, hrefsObj);
// Final output is filtered for serverless
return entries.filter((entry) => {
return !currentPageIndex || entry.pageNumber === currentPageIndex;
module.exports = Pagination;