# Tmux gspot plugin :) Plugin that shows current playing song with [gspot](https://git.asdf.cafe/abs3nt/gspot). ![Screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86447830/213586650-1a1d67c6-c029-4724-b8c2-f027deb16bb4.png) ### Usage ```tmux.conf set -g status-right '#{now_playing}' ``` ### Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (Recommended) Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins: ```tmux.conf set -g @plugin 'abs3ntdev/tmux-gspot' ``` Press prefix + I to install it. ### Manual Installation Clone the repo: ```bash $ git clone https://git.asdf.cafe/abs3nt/tmux-gspot ~/clone/path ``` Add this line to your .tmux.conf: ```tmux.conf run-shell ~/clone/path/actual_song.tmux ``` Reload TMUX environment with: ```bash $ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf ``` ___ ### License [MIT](LICENSE)