#!/bin/sh # Check if bsddialog is present on the system (for graphical display). # If not, install the package manager and bsddialog. while [ ! -x "/usr/local/bin/bsddialog" ]; do clear echo "-------------------------------------------" echo "The bsddialog program is not installed." echo "Installation in progress..." printf "\n" pkg ins -y pkg ins -y bsddialog done ###################################################################### Desktop-Environment_menu() { clear checkinternet() { local url="https://www.freebsd.org/" if fetch -q -o /dev/null "$url"; then echo "Looking for Internet Connection, please wait..." else echo "Your computer is not connected to the internet, I can't go on." exit 1 fi } installpkg() { if ! command -v pkg >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Looking for 'pkg', please wait..." if ! pkg bootstrap -y >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Your computer is not connected to internet, I can't go on" exit 1 fi fi } installbsddialog() { if ! command -v bsddialog >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Looking for 'bsddialog', please wait..." if ! pkg install -y bsddialog >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Your computer is not connected to internet, I can't go on" exit 1 fi fi } # Welcome ! welcome() { echo "Everything seems OK, let's go !" bsddialog --msgbox "Welcome to this desktop installation script for FreeBSD!" 5 60 } # System Update update() { if bsddialog --yesno "Do you want to update your system before starting?" 5 54; then bsddialog --msgbox "Please review the available changes, then press 'q' to continue" 5 67 freebsd-update fetch freebsd-update install fi } # User user_for_desktop() { if bsddialog --yesno "Have you already created the user who will use the desktop?" 5 63; then for j in $(seq 4); do # Username of the desktop environment user user=$(bsddialog --inputbox "Please enter his username" 8 29 2>&1 1>/dev/tty) #check if the user already exists or not if ! getent passwd "$user" >/dev/null; then bsddialog --msg " !WARNING!\n This user does not exist\n Please try again" 7 58 else break fi done # Exit script if not able to choose a user if [ $j -eq 4 ]; then exit 0 fi else for i in $(seq 4); do user=$(bsddialog --inputbox "What username would you like to give to your user?\n (No spaces or special characters)" 9 54 2>&1 1>/dev/tty) fullname=$(bsddialog --inputbox "Please enter his full name (don't leave empty)" 8 50 2>&1 1>/dev/tty) #check if the user already exists or not if getent passwd "$user" >/dev/null; then if bsddialog --yesno " !WARNING!\n This user already exists\nDo you want to use it [Yes] or create another one [No]" 7 58; then break fi else pw useradd "$user" -d "/home/$user" -m -c "$fullname" clear echo "--------------------------------------" echo "Please assign a password to $user" printf "\n" passwd $user break fi done # Exit script if not able to create a user if [ $i -eq 4 ]; then exit 0 fi fi } # DE choice: kde-sddm() { pkg_list="xorg sudo sddm kde5 freebsd-8k-wallpapers-kde kde-baseapps kde-dev-scripts kde-dev-utils kde-thumbnailer-chm kde-thumbnailer-epub kde-thumbnailer-fb2 kde_poster kdeaccessibility kdeadmin kdebugsettings kdeconnect-kde kdegames kdegraphics kdegraphics-thumbnailers kdemultimedia kdevelop calligra kmymoney kdemultimedia-ffmpegthumbs kdenetwork kdenetwork-filesharing kdenlive kdeutils libkdegames libkdepim libproxy-kde plasma5-kde-cli-tools plasma5-kde-gtk-config plasma5-kdecoration plasma5-kdeplasma-addons wallpapers-freebsd-kde dsbsu" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done sysrc sddm_enable=YES dbus_enable=YES sysctl net.local.stream.recvspace=65536 net.local.stream.sendspace=65536 > /dev/null 2>&1 pw groupmod video -m "$user" if ! grep -q "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" /etc/fstab; then echo "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi echo "exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11" > /home/"$user"/.xinitrc } xfce-lightdm() { pkg_list="xorg sudo lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter xfce gtk-xfce-engine workrave-xfce xfce4-appmenu-plugin xfce4-battery-plugin xfce4-bsdcpufreq-plugin xfce4-calculator-plugin xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-dashboard xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-dev-tools xfce4-dict-plugin xfce4-diskperf-plugin xfce4-docklike-plugin xfce4-fsguard-plugin xfce4-generic-slider xfce4-genmon-plugin xfce4-goodies xfce4-mixer xfce4-mpc-plugin xfce4-panel-profiles xfce4-places-plugin xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-volumed-pulse xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-windowck-plugin" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done sysrc lightdm_enable=YES dbus_enable=YES if ! grep -q "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" /etc/fstab; then echo "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi cp /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc /home/"$user"/.xinitrc } mate-lightdm() { pkg_list="xorg sudo lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter libmatekbd libmatemixer libmateweather libshumate mate mate-applet-appmenu mate-applets mate-backgrounds mate-base mate-calc mate-common mate-control-center mate-desktop mate-dock-applet mate-icon-theme mate-icon-theme-faenza mate-indicator-applet mate-media mate-menus mate-notification-daemon mate-pam-helper mate-panel mate-polkit mate-power-manager mate-screensaver mate-session-manager mate-settings-daemon mate-system-monitor mate-terminal mate-themes mate-user-guide mate-utils materia-gtk-theme" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done sysrc lightdm_enable=YES dbus_enable=YES if ! grep -q "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" /etc/fstab; then echo "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi echo "exec ck-launch-session mate-session" > /home/"$user"/.xinitrc } cinnamon-lightdm() { pkg_list="xorg sudo lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter cinnamon cinnamon-control-center cinnamon-desktop cinnamon-menus cinnamon-screensaver cinnamon-session cinnamon-settings-daemon cinnamon-translations" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done sysrc lightdm_enable=YES dbus_enable=YES if ! grep -q "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" /etc/fstab; then echo "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi echo "exec ck-launch-session cinnamon-session" > /home/"$user"/.xinitrc } gnome-gdm() { pkg_list="xorg sudo gdm chrome-gnome-shell gnome gnome-2048 gnome-autoar gnome-backgrounds gnome-builder gnome-calculator gnome-calendar gnome-characters gnome-chess gnome-clipboard-daemon gnome-clocks gnome-color-manager gnome-common gnome-connections gnome-console gnome-contacts gnome-control-center gnome-desktop gnome-devel-docs gnome-dictionary gnome-font-viewer gnome-games gnome-getting-started-docs gnome-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme-extras gnome-icon-theme-symbolic gnome-icons gnome-icons-elementary gnome-icons-faenza gnome-icons-luv gnome-initial-setup gnome-keyring gnome-keyring-sharp gnome-klotski gnome-latex gnome-lite gnome-mahjongg gnome-maps gnome-menus gnome-metronome gnome-mime-data gnome-mines gnome-mplayer gnome-music gnome-nettool gnome-nibbles gnome-online-accounts gnome-online-miners gnome-photos gnome-pie gnome-planner gnome-podcasts gnome-pomodoro gnome-power-manager gnome-pty-helper gnome-robots gnome-screenshot gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-shell-extension-audio-output-switcher gnome-shell-extension-coverflow gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock gnome-shell-extension-dashtopanel gnome-shell-extension-filesmenu gnome-shell-extension-hidetopbar gnome-shell-extension-lockkeys gnome-shell-extension-mediaplayer gnome-shell-extension-openweather gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd gnome-shell-extension-recent-items gnome-shell-extension-trash gnome-shell-extension-weather gnome-shell-extension-windowoverlay-icons gnome-shell-extensions gnome-shell-extra-extensions gnome-sound-recorder gnome-ssh-askpass gnome-sudoku gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-tetravex gnome-text-editor gnome-themes gnome-themes-extra gnome-todo gnome-tweaks gnome-user-docs gnome-user-share gnome-utils gnome-video-effects gnome-weather gnome_subr guile-gnome-platform-full guile-gnome-platform-lite libgnome-games-support libgnome-keyring libgnomecanvas libgnomecanvasmm libgnomekbd libproxy-gnome3 pinentry-gnome polkit-gnome qgnomeplatform rubygem-gnome subversion-gnome-keyring xdg-desktop-portal-gnome" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done sysrc gdm_enable=YES dbus_enable=YES if ! grep -q "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" /etc/fstab; then echo "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi echo "exec gnome-session" > /home/"$user"/.xinitrc } lxqt-sddm() { pkg_list="xorg sudo sddm liblxqt lxqt lxqt-about lxqt-admin lxqt-archiver lxqt-build-tools lxqt-config lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-notificationd lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-panel lxqt-policykit lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-qtplugin lxqt-runner lxqt-session lxqt-sudo lxqt-themes" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done sysrc sddm_enable=YES dbus_enable=YES if ! grep -q "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" /etc/fstab; then echo "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi echo "exec ck-launch-session startlxqt" > /home/"$user"/.xinitrc } desktop_selection_menu() { DE=$(bsddialog --clear \ --backtitle "Desktop Environnment" \ --title "Desktop Environnment" \ --menu "Select your Desktop Environnment:" \ 14 70 10 \ 1 "KDE (with sddm)" \ 2 "XFCE4 (with lightdm)" \ 3 "MATE (with lightdm)" \ 4 "CINNAMON (with lightdm)" \ 5 "GNOME (with gdm)" \ 6 "LXQT (with sddm)" \ 7 "(none)" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $DE in 1) kde-sddm ;; 2) xfce-lightdm ;; 3) mate-lightdm ;; 4) cinnamon-lightdm ;; 5) gnome-gdm ;; 6) lxqt-sddm ;; esac } # Which GPU ? intel-irisxe() { cat < /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-scfb.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Card0" Driver "scfb" BusID "$intelirisxe_pci_location" EndSection EOF } vbox() { cat < /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-vbox.conf # This configuration file is useless. # It only permits autodetection. EOF } intel-older() { clear pkg info -e xf86-video-intel || pkg ins -y xf86-video-intel pkg info -e drm-kmod || pkg ins -y drm-kmod sysrc kld_list="i915kms" > /dev/null 2>&1 cat < /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-intel.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver "intel" Option "AccelMethod" "sna" Option "TearFree" "true" Option "DRI" "3" Option "Backlight" "intel_backlight" BusID "$intel_pci_location" EndSection EOF } nvidia-gpu() { clear pkg ins -y nvidia-driver sysrc kld_list="nvidia-modeset" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Automatically detect and BusID for NVIDIA graphics : pciconf_output=$(pciconf -lv | grep -B3 'display' | grep -B2 'NVIDIA') pci_location=$(echo "$pciconf_output" | sed -nE 's/^vgapci[0-9]+@pci([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+).*/PCI:\1/p' | sed 's/0://') cat < /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Device0" Driver "nvidia" VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation" BusID "$nvidia_pci_location" EndSection EOF } amd-cpu_amd-gpu() { clear pkg info -e xf86-video-amdgpu || pkg ins -y xf86-video-amdgpu sysrc kld_list="amdgpu" > /dev/null 2>&1 } graphics_selection_menu() { GPU=$(bsddialog --clear \ --backtitle "GPU" \ --title "GPU Menu" \ --menu "Select your graphics:" \ 12 70 10 \ 1 "Intel Iris Xe" \ 2 "Intel (before Iris Xe)" \ 3 "Nvidia" \ 4 "AMD" \ 5 "Virtual Machine" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $GPU in 1) intel-irisxe ;; 2) intel-older ;; 3) nvidia-gpu ;; 4) amd-gpu;; esac } automatic_graphics_detection() { # Check if there is an already existing configuration file : if [ -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-scfb.conf ] || \ [ -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf ] || \ [ -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-intel.conf ] || \ [ -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-vbox.conf ]; then bsddialog --yesno "I have detected a previous graphics configuration file\n Do you want to use it [Yes] or erase it [No]?" 6 58 existingconf_ornot=$? if [ $existingconf_ornot -eq 0 ]; then useconf="1" else rm /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-scfb.conf 2>&1 rm /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf 2>&1 rm /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-intel.conf 2>&1 rm /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-vbox.conf 2>&1 fi fi if [ "$useconf" != "1" ]; then # VIRTUALBOX vbox_pciconf_output=$(pciconf -lv | grep -B3 'display' | grep -B2 "'SVGA II Adapter") vbox_pci_location=$(echo "$vbox_pciconf_output" | sed -nE 's/^vgapci[0-9]+@pci([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+).*/PCI:\1/p' | sed 's/0://') # INTEL IRIS Xe intelirisxe_pciconf_output=$(pciconf -lv | grep -B3 'display' | grep -B2 'Iris Xe') intelirisxe_pci_location=$(echo "$intelirisxe_pciconf_output" | sed -nE 's/^vgapci[0-9]+@pci([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+).*/PCI:\1/p' | sed 's/0://') # INTEL (before Iris Xe) intel_pciconf_output=$(pciconf -lv | grep -B3 'display' | grep -B2 "HD Graphics") intel_pci_location=$(echo "$intel_pciconf_output" | sed -nE 's/^vgapci[0-9]+@pci([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+).*/PCI:\1/p' | sed 's/0://') # NVIDIA nvidia_pciconf_output=$(pciconf -lv | grep -B3 'display' | grep -B2 'NVIDIA') nvidia_pci_location=$(echo "$nvidia_pciconf_output" | sed -nE 's/^vgapci[0-9]+@pci([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+).*/PCI:\1/p' | sed 's/0://') # If 2 graphics are detected (Intel Iris Xe and NVIDIA), please choose between if [ ! -z "$intelirisxe_pciconf_output" ] && \ [ ! -z "$nvidia_pciconf_output" ]; then bsddialog --yesno "We have detected both Intel Iris Xe and NVIDIA graphics\n Use Intel Iris Xe [Yes] or NVIDIA [No]?" 6 59 intel_ornvidia=$? if [ $intel_ornvidia -eq 0 ]; then intel-irisxe else nvidiagpu fi fi # If 2 graphics are detected (Intel and NVIDIA), please choose between if [ ! -z "$intel_pciconf_output" ] && \ [ ! -z "$nvidia_pciconf_output" ]; then bsddialog --yesno "We have detected both Intel and NVIDIA graphics\n Use Intel [Yes] or NVIDIA [No]?" 6 51 intel_ornvidia=$? if [ $intel_ornvidia -eq 0 ]; then intel-older else nvidiagpu fi fi # If VirtualBox is detected, ask to accept or not : if [ ! -z "$vbox_pciconf_output" ]; then vbox fi # If an Intel Iris Xe is detected, ask to accept or not : if [ ! -z "$intelirisxe_pciconf_output" ]; then intel-irisxe fi # If an Intel is detected, ask to accept or not : if [ ! -z "$intel_pciconf_output" ]; then intel-older fi # If an NVIDIA is detected, ask to accept or not : if [ ! -z "$nvidia_pciconf_output" ]; then nvidia-gpu fi # If no choice has been done, go to graphics_selection_menu : if [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-scfb.conf ] && \ [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf ] && \ [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-intel.conf ] && \ [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-vbox.conf ]; then graphics_selection_menu fi fi # Check if there is an already existing configuration file : if [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-scfb.conf ] && \ [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf ] && \ [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-intel.conf ] && \ [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-vbox.conf ]; then graphics_selection_menu fi } programs_selection_menu() { # Install usual programs TMPFILE=$(mktemp) bsddialog --backtitle "Select programs" \ --title "Installing applications" \ --checklist "Select programs:" 30 70 20 \ "firefox " "Firefox web browser" off \ "ungoogled-chromium " "Chromium web browser without Google" off \ "chrome-linux " "Linux compat chrome for Netflix" off \ "brave-linux " "Linux compat brave" off \ "edge-linux " "Linux compat edge" off \ "opera-linux " "Linux compat opera" off \ "vivaldi-linux " "Linux compat vivaldi" off \ "qutebrowser " "Qutebrowser vim-like web browser" off \ "tor-browser " "Tor Browser for FreeBSD" off \ "midori " "Midori web browser" off \ "thunderbird " "Thunderbird Mail Client" off \ "claws-mail " "Claws-Mail Client" off \ "putty " "Putty term" off \ "remmina " "Remote Desktop Viewer" off \ "gtk-mixer " "Sound controller" off \ "keepassxc " "KeePassXC password manager" off \ "codeblocks " "Code Editor" off \ "vscode " "Code Editor" off \ "vlc " "VLC multimedia player" off \ "handbrake " "HandBrake video encoder" off \ "ffmpeg " "Video library" off \ "audacity " "Audacity audio editor" off \ "gimp " "GIMP image editor" off \ "nomacs " "easy image viewer/editor" off \ "ristretto " "Ristretto image viewer" off \ "liferea " "RSS agregator" off \ "youtube-dl " "YouTube video downloader" off \ "libreoffice " "LibreOffice office suite" off \ "abiword " "Text editor" off \ "qpdfview " "PDF document viewer" off \ "filezilla " "FileZilla FTP client" off \ "rclone " "Rclone file transfer tool" off \ "rclone-browser " "GUI rclone" off \ "musescore " "Sheet music editor" off \ "httrack " "web-site sucker" off \ "hexchat " "HexChat IRC client" off \ "pidgin " "Pidgin messaging client" off \ "psi " "PSI messaging client" off \ "wireshark " "Wireshark network protocol analyzer" off \ "nmap " "Nmap network discovery tool" off \ "tor " "Tor decentralized anonymous network" off \ "openvpn " "OpenVPN Virtual Private Network setup" off 2>$TMPFILE choices=$(sed 's/"//g' < $TMPFILE | tr ' ' '\n') # Install the selected programs. for choice in $choices; do case $choice in "chrome-linux") pkg info -e wget || pkg ins -y wget pkg info -e git || pkg ins -y git if [ ! -e /tmp/linux-browser-installer* ]; then git clone https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer.git fi /tmp/linux-browser-installer/linux-browser-installer install chrome ;; "brave-linux") pkg info -e wget || pkg ins -y wget pkg info -e git || pkg ins -y git if [ ! -e /tmp/linux-browser-installer* ]; then git clone https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer.git fi /tmp/linux-browser-installer/linux-browser-installer install brave ;; "edge-linux") pkg info -e wget || pkg ins -y wget pkg info -e git || pkg ins -y git if [ ! -e /tmp/linux-browser-installer* ]; then git clone https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer.git fi /tmp/linux-browser-installer/linux-browser-installer install edge ;; "opera-linux") pkg info -e wget || pkg ins -y wget pkg info -e git || pkg ins -y git if [ ! -e /tmp/linux-browser-installer* ]; then git clone https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer.git fi /tmp/linux-browser-installer/linux-browser-installer install opera ;; "vivaldi-linux") pkg info -e wget || pkg ins -y wget pkg info -e git || pkg ins -y git if [ ! -e /tmp/linux-browser-installer* ]; then git clone https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer.git fi /tmp/linux-browser-installer/linux-browser-installer install vivaldi rm -r /tmp/linux-browser-installer ;; "pidgin") pkg_list="pidgin pidgin-bot-sentry pidgin-encryption pidgin-fetion pidgin-hotkeys pidgin-icyque pidgin-latex pidgin-libnotify pidgin-manualsize pidgin-otr pidgin-sipe pidgin-skypeweb pidgin-twitter pidgin-window_merge" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done ;; *) pkg info -e "$choice" || pkg ins -y "$choice" ;; esac done rm -f "$TMPFILE" } # usual tools bundle usual_tools_installation() { pkg_list="wget w3m lynx rsync emacs nano sshpass fuse fusefs-ntfs fusefs-exfat automount megatools dvd+rw-tools cdrtools webcamd cups cups-filters system-config-printer pwcview wifimgr networkmgr zip unzip bzip2 bzip3 btop htop nmap bind-tools git rdesktop xrdp tree gh hw-probe inxi python3 py39-qt5 bhyve-firmware" for pkg in $pkg_list; do pkg info -e "$pkg" >/dev/null || pkg ins -y "$pkg" done sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf fusefs_load=YES sysrc webcamd_enable="YES" service devd restart pw groupmod webcamd -m "$user" sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf cuse_load=YES sysrc cupsd_enable="YES" sysrc xrdp_enable="NO" sysrc xrdp_sesman_enable="NO" if [ ! -x /usr/local/bin/ipfwGUI ]; then cd /tmp git clone https://github.com/bsdlme/ipfwGUI.git cd ipfwGUI make install clean fi } # Install a hypervisor hypervisor_selection() { TMPFILE=$(mktemp) bsddialog --backtitle "Select programs" \ --title "Install a hypervisor" \ --checklist "Select programs:" 9 70 20 \ "virtualbox-ose " "VirtualBox" off \ "BVCP " "GUI Bhyve manager" off 2>$TMPFILE # Read the user choices from the temporary file. choices=$(sed 's/"//g' < $TMPFILE | tr ' ' '\n') # Install the selected programs. for choice in $choices; do if [ "$choice" = "virtualbox-ose" ]; then pkg info -e virtualbox-ose || pkg ins -y virtualbox-ose pkg info -e virtualbox-ose-additions || pkg ins -y virtualbox-ose-additions sysrc vboxguest_enable=YES > /dev/null 2>&1 sysrc vboxservice_enable=YES > /dev/null 2>&1 sysrc vboxnet_enable=YES > /dev/null 2>&1 sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf vboxdrv_load=YES > /dev/null 2>&1 if ! grep -q "^\[system=10\]$" /etc/devfs.rules; then echo "[system=10]" >> /etc/devfs.rules fi if ! grep -q "^add path 'usb/\*' mode 0660 group operator$" /etc/devfs.rules; then echo "add path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group operator" >> /etc/devfs.rules fi sysrc devfs_system_ruleset="system" > /dev/null 2>&1 pw groupmod vboxusers -m "$user" pw groupmod operator -m "$user" sysrc hald_enable=YES > /dev/null 2>&1 if ! grep -q "^perm cd\* 0660$" /etc/devfs.conf; then echo "perm cd* 0660" >> /etc/devfs.conf fi if ! grep -q "^perm xpt0 0660$" /etc/devfs.conf; then echo "perm xpt0 0660" >> /etc/devfs.conf fi if ! grep -q "^perm pass\* 0660$" /etc/devfs.conf; then echo "perm pass* 0660" >> /etc/devfs.conf fi if ! grep -q "^own vboxnetctl root:vboxusers$" /etc/devfs.conf; then echo "own vboxnetctl root:vboxusers" >> /etc/devfs.conf fi if ! grep -q "^perm vboxnetctl 0660$" /etc/devfs.conf; then echo "perm vboxnetctl 0660" >> /etc/devfs.conf fi chown root:vboxusers /dev/vboxnetctl chmod 0660 /dev/vboxnetctl fi if [ "$choice" = "BVCP" ]; then fetch https://bhyve.npulse.net/release.tgz -o /tmp cd /tmp ; tar xvzf release.tgz ; cd bhyve-webadmin* ./install.sh printf "\n" echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "Please note the admin password and then press [ENTER] to continue" echo "------------------------------------------------------" read ENTER fi done rm -f "$TMPFILE" } # Add $user to wheel and operator group, add wheel group to sudo permissions make_administrator() { pw groupmod wheel -m "$user" pw groupmod operator -m "$user" sed -i '' "s/# %wheel/ %wheel/" /usr/local/etc/sudoers } # Change locale locale_selection_menu() { # Utiliser bsddialog pour afficher une liste avec des boutons radio selected_choice=$(bsddialog --title "Select Locale" --radiolist "Please choose:" 19 50 15 \ "af_ZA.UTF-8" "South Africa" off \ "am_ET.UTF-8" "Ethiopia" off \ "ar_AE.UTF-8" "United Arab Emirates" off \ "ar_EG.UTF-8" "Egypt" off \ "ar_JO.UTF-8" "Jordan" off \ "ar_MA.UTF-8" "Morocco" off \ "ar_QA.UTF-8" "Qatar" off \ "ar_SA.UTF-8" "Saudi Arabia" off \ "be_BY.UTF-8" "Belarus" off \ "bg_BG.UTF-8" "Bulgaria" off \ "ca_AD.UTF-8" "Andorra" off \ "ca_ES.UTF-8" "Spain" off \ "ca_FR.UTF-8" "France" off \ "ca_IT.UTF-8" "Italy" off \ "cs_CZ.UTF-8" "Czech Republic" off \ "da_DK.UTF-8" "Denmark" off \ "de_AT.UTF-8" "Austria" off \ "de_CH.UTF-8" "Switzerland" off \ "de_DE.UTF-8" "Germany" off \ "el_GR.UTF-8" "Greece" off \ "en_AU.UTF-8" "Australia" off \ "en_CA.UTF-8" "Canada" off \ "en_GB.UTF-8" "United Kingdom" off \ "en_HK.UTF-8" "Hong Kong" off \ "en_IE.UTF-8" "Ireland" off \ "en_NZ.UTF-8" "New Zealand" off \ "en_PH.UTF-8" "Philippines" off \ "en_SG.UTF-8" "Singapore" off \ "en_US.UTF-8" "United States" off \ "en_ZA.UTF-8" "South Africa" off \ "es_AR.UTF-8" "Argentina" off \ "es_CR.UTF-8" "Costa Rica" off \ "es_ES.UTF-8" "Spain" off \ "es_MX.UTF-8" "Mexico" off \ "et_EE.UTF-8" "Estonia" off \ "eu_ES.UTF-8" "Spain" off \ "fa_AF.UTF-8" "Afghanistan" off \ "fa_IR.UTF-8" "Iran" off \ "fi_FI.UTF-8" "Finland" off \ "fr_BE.UTF-8" "Belgium" off \ "fr_CA.UTF-8" "Canada" off \ "fr_CH.UTF-8" "Switzerland" off \ "fr_FR.UTF-8" "France" off \ "ga_IE.UTF-8" "Ireland" off \ "he_IL.UTF-8" "Israel" off \ "hi_IN.UTF-8" "India" off \ "hr_HR.UTF-8" "Croatia" off \ "hu_HU.UTF-8" "Hungary" off \ "hy_AM.UTF-8" "Armenia" off \ "is_IS.UTF-8" "Iceland" off \ "it_CH.UTF-8" "Switzerland" off \ "it_IT.UTF-8" "Italy" off \ "ja_JP.UTF-8" "Japan" off \ "kk_KZ.UTF-8" "Kazakhstan" off \ "ko_KR.UTF-8" "South Korea" off \ "lt_LT.UTF-8" "Lithuania" off \ "lv_LV.UTF-8" "Latvia" off \ "mn_MN.UTF-8" "Mongolia" off \ "nb_NO.UTF-8" "Norway" off \ "nl_BE.UTF-8" "Belgium" off \ "nl_NL.UTF-8" "Netherlands" off \ "nn_NO.UTF-8" "Norway" off \ "pl_PL.UTF-8" "Poland" off \ "pt_BR.UTF-8" "Brazil" off \ "pt_PT.UTF-8" "Portugal" off \ "ro_RO.UTF-8" "Romania" off \ "ru_RU.UTF-8" "Russia" off \ "se_FI.UTF-8" "Finland" off \ "se_NO.UTF-8" "Norway" off \ "sk_SK.UTF-8" "Slovakia" off \ "sl_SI.UTF-8" "Slovenia" off \ "sr_RS.UTF-8" "Serbia" off \ "sr_RS.UTF-8@latin" "Serbia" off \ "sv_FI.UTF-8" "Finland" off \ "sv_SE.UTF-8" "Sweden" off \ "tr_TR.UTF-8" "Turkey" off \ "uk_UA.UTF-8" "Ukraine" off \ "zh_CN.UTF-8" "China" off \ "zh_HK.UTF-8" "Hong Kong" off \ "zh_TW.UTF-8" "Taiwan" off 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) # Check and Add locale choice to /home/"$user"/.profile if ! grep -q "export LANG=\"$selected_choice\"" /home/"$user"/.profile; then { echo -e "\n# CUSTOM LOCALE" echo "export LANG=\"$selected_choice\"" } >> /home/"$user"/.profile fi if ! grep -q "export LC_CTYPE=\"$selected_choice\"" /home/"$user"/.profile; then echo "export LC_CTYPE=\"$selected_choice\"" >> /home/"$user"/.profile fi # Change the locale for gdm (if installed) if [ -e /usr/local/etc/gdm/locale.conf ]; then sed -i '' "s/en_US.UTF-8/$selected_choice/" /usr/local/etc/gdm/locale.conf fi # Change Keyboard map kbd=$(echo "$selected_choice" | sed 's/^\(..\).*$/\1/') if [ ! -e /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard.conf ]; then cat < /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "KeyboardDefaults" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbLayout" "$kbd" EndSection EOF fi } build_locatedb() { # updatedb : if [ "$(sysrc -n weekly_locate_enable)" = "YES" ]; then echo "The weekly locate update is already enabled in rc.conf. The script 310.locate will not run." else /etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate fi } # reboot now reboot_now() { bsddialog --yesno "Thank you for using this script!\n The installation is finished\n Do you want to reboot now?" 7 36 close_inac=$? if [ $close_inac -eq 0 ]; then reboot fi } ################################################################################################################ checkinternet installpkg installbsddialog welcome update user_for_desktop desktop_selection_menu automatic_graphics_detection # at the very moment, only Intel 'Iris Xe', Intel 'HD/UHD Graphics' and 'NVIDIA' (for 535 version) are automatically detected, choice must be asked manually for others programs_selection_menu usual_tools_installation hypervisor_selection make_administrator locale_selection_menu build_locatedb reboot_now } Update-full-system() { bsddialog --msgbox "Please review the available changes, then press 'q' to continue" 5 67 freebsd-update fetch freebsd-update install } Format-USB-UFS() { bsddialog --msgbox "Please connect your USB device now" 5 38 sleep 7 clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "I am running the command 'camcontrol devlist' for you," echo "Please find in the list below," echo "the disk you want to erase, partition, and format in UFS" sleep 2 echo "-----------------------------------" camcontrol devlist echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Enter the name of the disk (examples: da0, da1 ...)" read pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Would you like to proceed with a secure erase (dd)? [y/n]" echo "(The erasing process can take several hours, or even days !)" read effsec case $effsec in y|Y) umount -f /dev/fuse umount -f /dev/$pathdi* gpart destroy -F /dev/$pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The secure erase is starting" printf "\n" sleep 1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$pathdi bs=8m status=progress ;; n|N) umount -f /dev/fuse umount -f /dev/$pathdi* gpart destroy -F /dev/$pathdi ;; esac clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Creating GPT table" gpart create -s GPT /dev/$pathdi echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Creating UFS partition" partia=`gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 1m /dev/$pathdi | cut -d ' ' -f1` partia2="$partia" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "UFS formatting of the partition $pathdip" newfs -U /dev/$partia2 clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The erase, partition creation, and formatting are completed" echo "All you have to do now is mount the partition $partia2 wherever you like, if it doesn't mount automatically" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Press any key to return to the previous menu" read ENTER MainMenu } Format-USB-FAT32 () { bsddialog --msgbox "Please connect your USB device now" 5 38 sleep 7 if [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/mount.exfat ]; then pkg ins -y fuse fuse-ntfs fusefs-exfat fi if kldstat | grep -q "fusefs"; then clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "fusefs is loaded" else clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "fusefs is not loaded" printf "\n" kldload fusefs fi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "I am running the command 'camcontrol devlist' for you," echo "Please find in the list below," echo "the disk you want to erase, partition, and format in FAT32" sleep 2 echo "-----------------------------------" camcontrol devlist echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Enter the name of the disk (examples: da0, da1 ...)" read pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Would you like to proceed with a secure erase (dd)? [y/n]" echo "(The erasing process can take several hours, or even days !)" read effsec case $effsec in y|Y) umount -f /dev/fuse umount -f /dev/$pathdi* gpart destroy -F /dev/$pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The secure erase is starting" printf "\n" sleep 1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$pathdi bs=8m status=progress ;; n|N) umount -f /dev/fuse umount -f /dev/$pathdi* gpart destroy -F /dev/$pathdi ;; esac clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Creating MBR table" gpart create -s mbr /dev/$pathdi echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Please enter a Label for your partition" read namepartfat echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Creating FAT32 partition" partia=`gpart add -t fat32 /dev/$pathdi | cut -d ' ' -f1` partia2="$partia" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "FAT32 formatting of the partition $pathdia2" newfs_msdos -L $namepartfat /dev/$partia2 clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The erase, partition creation, and formatting are completed" echo "All you have to do now is mount the partition $partia2 wherever you like, if it doesn't mount automatically" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Press any key to return to the previous menu" read ENTER MainMenu } Format-USB-NTFS () { bsddialog --msgbox "Please connect your USB device now" 5 38 sleep 7 if [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/mkntfs ]; then pkg ins -y fuse fusefs-ntfs fusefs-exfat fi if kldstat | grep -q "fusefs"; then clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "fusefs is loaded" else clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "fusefs is not loaded" printf "\n" kldload fusefs fi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "I am running the command 'camcontrol devlist' for you," echo "Please find in the list below," echo "the disk you want to erase, partition, and format in NTFS" sleep 2 echo "-----------------------------------" camcontrol devlist echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Enter the name of the disk (examples: da0, da1 ...)" read pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Would you like to proceed with a secure erase (dd)? [y/n]" echo "(The erasing process can take several hours, or even days !)" read effsec case $effsec in y|Y) umount -f /dev/fuse umount -f /dev/$pathdi* gpart destroy -F $pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The secure erase is starting" printf "\n" sleep 1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$pathdi bs=8m status=progress ;; n|N) umount -f /dev/fuse umount -f /dev/$pathdi* gpart destroy -F $pathdi ;; esac clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Creating GPT table" gpart create -s GPT $pathdi echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Creating ms-basic-data partition" partia=`gpart add -t ms-basic-data $pathdi | cut -d ' ' -f1` partia2="$partia" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "NTFS formatting of the partition $pathdia2" chmod 760 /dev/$partia2 export NTFS_USE_UBLIO=0 mkntfs -vFQ /dev/$partia2 clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The erase, partition creation, and formatting are completed" echo "All you have to do now is mount the partition $partia2 wherever you like, if it doesn't mount automatically" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Press any key to return to the previous menu" read ENTER MainMenu } Secure-erase-USB () { bsddialog --msgbox "Please connect your USB device now" 5 38 sleep 7 clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "I am running the command 'camcontrol devlist' for you," echo "Please find in the list below," echo "the disk you want to securely erase" sleep 2 echo "-----------------------------------" camcontrol devlist echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Enter the name of the disk (examples: da0, da1 ...)" read pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Do you confirm that you want to erase this device? [y/n]" echo "(The erasing process can take several hours, or even days !)" read effsec case $effsec in y|Y) umount -f /dev/fuse umount -f /dev/$pathdi* gpart destroy -F $pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The secure erase is starting" printf "\n" sleep 1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$pathdi bs=8m status=progress ;; n|N) MainMenu ;; esac clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The erase is completed" echo "All you have to do now is mount the partition $partia2 wherever you like, if it doesn't mount automatically" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Press any key to return to the previous menu" read ENTER MainMenu } Burn-iso-USB () { bsddialog --msgbox "Please connect your USB device now" 5 38 sleep 7 clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "I am running the command 'camcontrol devlist' for you," echo "Please find in the list below," echo "the disk you want to securely erase" sleep 2 echo "-----------------------------------" camcontrol devlist echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Enter the name of the disk (examples: da0, da1 ...)" read pathdi clear echo "-----------------------------------" TMPFILE=$(mktemp) clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Please navigate in your system until you find the IMAGE.iso" sleep 3 ls > $TMPFILE options=$(cat -n $TMPFILE) i=0 while [ $i -lt 30 ]; do whereamI=$(pwd) ls > $TMPFILE options=$(cat -n $TMPFILE) clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "You're in $whereamI" printf "\n" echo " 0 (go back to parent folder)" cat -n $TMPFILE printf "\n" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Enter the index of your choice (or 'q' to quit):" read opt if [ "$opt" = "q" ]; then exit elif [ "$opt" -eq 0 ]; then cd .. elif [ "$opt" -eq "$opt" ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$opt" -ge 1 ] && [ "$opt" -le "$(wc -l < $TMPFILE)" ]; then selected_file=$(sed -n "${opt}p" $TMPFILE) if [ -d "$selected_file" ]; then cd "$selected_file" i=$((i+1)) else IMAGE=$(realpath "$selected_file") i=$((i+31)) fi else echo "Invalid input. Please enter a valid index." sleep 1 fi done rm -f "$TMPFILE" clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The image is currently being burned." printf "\n" umount -f /dev/$pathdi* dd if="$IMAGE" of=/dev/$pathdi bs=8m status=progress clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The burning is complete" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Press any key to return to the previous menu" read ENTER MainMenu } Burn-iso-DVD-BD () { if [ ! -x /usr/local/bin/growisofs ]; then pkg ins -y dvd+rw-tools cdrtools fi # Check if hw.ata.atapi_dma="1" is already added to /boot/loader.conf or not if grep -qxF 'hw.ata.atapi_dma="1"' /boot/loader.conf; then echo "hw.ata.atapi_dma="1" is already added to /boot/loader.conf" else # Si la ligne n'existe pas, l'ajouter echo 'hw.ata.atapi_dma="1"' | sudo tee -a /boot/loader.conf echo "hw.ata.atapi_dma="1" has been added to /boot/loader.conf" fi # Check if [system 10] is already added to /etc/devfs.rules or not if grep -qxF '[system 10]' /etc/devfs.rules; then echo "[system 10] is already added to /etc/devfs.rules" else # Si la ligne n'existe pas, l'ajouter echo '[system 10]' | sudo tee -a /etc/devfs.rules echo "[system 10] has been added to /etc/devfs.rules" fi # Check if 'add path 'cd*' mode 666' is already added to /etc/devfs.rules or not if grep -qxF "add path 'cd*' mode 666" /etc/devfs.rules; then echo "add path 'cd*' mode 666 is already added to /etc/devfs.rules" else # Si la ligne n'existe pas, l'ajouter echo "add path 'cd*' mode 666" | sudo tee -a /etc/devfs.rules echo "add path 'cd*' mode 666 has been added to /etc/devfs.rules" fi # Check if 'add path 'pass0' mode 666' is already added to /etc/devfs.rules or not if grep -qxF "add path 'pass0' mode 666" /etc/devfs.rules; then echo "add path 'pass0' mode 666 is already added to /etc/devfs.rules" else # Si la ligne n'existe pas, l'ajouter echo "add path 'pass0' mode 666" | sudo tee -a /etc/devfs.rules echo "add path 'pass0' mode 666 has been added to /etc/devfs.rules" fi # Check if 'add path 'xpt0' mode 666' is already added to /etc/devfs.rules or not if grep -qxF "add path 'xpt0' mode 666" /etc/devfs.rules; then echo "add path 'xpt0' mode 666 is already added to /etc/devfs.rules" else # Si la ligne n'existe pas, l'ajouter echo "add path 'xpt0' mode 666" | sudo tee -a /etc/devfs.rules echo "add path 'xpt0' mode 666 has been added to /etc/devfs.rules" fi sysrc devfs_system_ruleset=system service devfs restart bsddialog --msgbox "Please insert the blank media now" 5 38 sleep 7 clear echo "-----------------------------------" TMPFILE=$(mktemp) clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Please navigate in your system until you find the IMAGE.iso" sleep 3 ls > $TMPFILE options=$(cat -n $TMPFILE) i=0 while [ $i -lt 30 ]; do whereamI=$(pwd) ls > $TMPFILE options=$(cat -n $TMPFILE) clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "You're in $whereamI" printf "\n" echo " 0 (go back to parent folder)" cat -n $TMPFILE printf "\n" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Enter the index of your choice (or 'q' to quit):" read opt if [ "$opt" = "q" ]; then exit elif [ "$opt" -eq 0 ]; then cd .. elif [ "$opt" -eq "$opt" ] 2>/dev/null && [ "$opt" -ge 1 ] && [ "$opt" -le "$(wc -l < $TMPFILE)" ]; then selected_file=$(sed -n "${opt}p" $TMPFILE) if [ -d "$selected_file" ]; then cd "$selected_file" i=$((i+1)) else IMAGE=$(realpath "$selected_file") i=$((i+31)) fi else echo "Invalid input. Please enter a valid index." sleep 1 fi done rm -f "$TMPFILE" clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The image is currently being burned." printf "\n" growisofs -speed=4 -Z /dev/cd0="$IMAGE" clear echo "-----------------------------------" echo "The burning is complete" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Press any key to return to the previous menu" read ENTER MainMenu } Split-Rejoin-file () { if [ ! -x /usr/local/bin/renamex ]; then pkg ins -y rename fi clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "This module allows you to search, recursively, in the folder of your choice, for files whose size exceeds the value of your choice, and to split them into blocks of the size you choose." echo "It also allows you to restore (rejoin) the files previously split" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "During the splitting process, the module will create, at the location of each file to be split, a folder bearing the name of the file to be split (with -split at the end of the name) that will contain the split files" echo "Unless you want to perform the rejoining yourself (without using this module), DO NOT MODIFY what has been generated by the splitting.. Neither the names of the split-folders nor the names of the files contained within these split-folders" echo "During the rejoining, the module will restore the original hierarchical structure (as before splitting), identically" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Would you like to continue? [y/n]" read abrc case $abrc in y|N) clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Would you like to split or rejoin? [s/r]" read deccol case $deccol in s|S) clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Please specify the absolute path of the folder to process" echo "(Do not end the path with a /)" read abhtp echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "What is the maximum file size to target?" echo " Examples:" echo " - (for 300 kilobytes, specify 300K)" echo " - (for 500 megabytes, specify 500M)" echo " - (for 2 gigabytes, specify 2G)" read ciblesize echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "What should be the size of the split files?" echo " Examples:" echo " - (for 300 kilobytes, specify 300K)" echo " - (for 500 megabytes, specify 500M)" echo " - (for 2 gigabytes, specify 2G)" read splitsize clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "The operation is in progress, please wait" sleep 2 # Remove all spaces from file names cd "$abhtp" renamex -A -R -s/' '/PqxX8XxqP/g "$abhtp"/ for chacun in `find $abhtp -type f -size +$ciblesize` do filepath="$chacun" filename="$(basename "$filepath")" path="${filepath%/*}" cd "$path" mkdir "$filename-split" mv "$filename" "$filename"-split/ cd "$filename"-split split -b $splitsize "$filename" rm -f "$filename" touch "these-files-have-been-split-abZd.txt" echo "UNLESS YOU REJOIN MANUALLY, DO NOT TOUCH THIS FILE!" > "these-files-have-been-split-abZd.txt" echo "use the global-freebsd.sh script to remerge these files" >> "these-files-have-been-split-abZd.txt" echo "otherwise, use cat x* > folder-name-without-the-split-dash and place the obtained file in the upper folder" >> "these-files-have-been-split-abZd.txt" done # Restore all spaces in file names renamex -A -R -s/PqxX8XxqP/' '/g "$abhtp"/ clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "The operation is over" sleep 2 clear ;; r|R) clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "This module allows you to rejoin files that have already been split by this module" echo "Do not use this part unless you have previously used the split function!!" echo "Would you like to continue? [y/n]" read arbt case $arbt in y|Y) clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Please specify the absolute path of the folder to process" echo "(Do not end the path with a /)" read abhtp # Remove all spaces from file names cd "$abhtp" renamex -A -R -s/' '/PqxX8XxqP/g "$abhtp"/ clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "The operation is in progress, please wait" sleep 2 for chacun in `find $abhtp -type f -name "these-files-have-been-split-abZd.txt"` do filepath="$chacun" filename=$(basename "$filepath") path=${filepath%/*} foldernamesplit=$(basename "$path") cd "$path" cat x* > "$foldernamesplit" rm -f x* these-files-have-been-split-abZd.txt renamex -s/'-split'//g "$foldernamesplit" mv ./* ../ cd .. rm -rf "$foldernamesplit" done # Restore all spaces in file names renamex -A -R -s/PqxX8XxqP/' '/g "$abhtp"/ clear echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "The operation is over" sleep 2 clear ;; n|N) break ;; esac break ;; esac ;; n|N) break ;; esac break MainMenu } ###################################################################### # 3) Update_menu Update_menu() { choix=$(bsddialog --clear \ --backtitle "Global-FreeBSD" \ --title "Update Menu" \ --menu "Select:" \ 10 70 10 \ 1 "Update the full system : freebsd-update" \ 2 "Update your services : pkg upgrade" \ 3 "Change the time zone : tzsetup" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $choix in 1) Update-full-system ;; 2) pkg upgrade -y ;; 3) tzsetup ;; esac MainMenu } ###################################################################### # 6.1) Web-Browsers_menu Web-Browsers_menu() { # check if applications are already installed or not if [ -x /usr/local/bin/firefox ]; then s_firefox="on" else s_firefox="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/ungoogled-chromium ]; then s_ungoogledchromium="on" else s_ungoogledchromium="off" fi if [ -x /compat/ubuntu/bin/chrome ]; then s_ubuntuchrome="on" else s_ubuntuchrome="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/qutebrowser ]; then s_qutebrowser="on" else s_qutebrowser="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/iridium ]; then s_iridium="on" else s_iridium="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/tor-browser ]; then s_torbrowser="on" else s_torbrowser="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/otter-browser ]; then s_otterbrowser="on" else s_otterbrowser="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/surf ]; then s_surfbrowser="on" else s_surfbrowser="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/midori ]; then s_midori="on" else s_midori="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/links ]; then s_links="on" else s_links="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/elinks ]; then s_elinks="on" else s_elinks="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/lynx ]; then s_lynx="on" else s_lynx="off" fi # Install usual programs TMPFILE=$(mktemp) allchoices="firefox ungoogled-chromium chrome-linux qutebrowser iridium-browser tor-browser otter-browser surf-browser midori links elinks lynx" bsddialog --backtitle "Select programs" \ --title "Installing applications" \ --checklist "Select programs:" 30 70 20 \ "firefox " "Firefox web browser" $s_firefox \ "ungoogled-chromium " "Chromium web browser without Google" $s_ungoogledchromium \ "chrome-linux " "Linux compat chrome for Netflix" $s_ubuntuchrome \ "qutebrowser " "Qutebrowser vim-like web browser" $s_qutebrowser \ "iridium-browser " "Iridium browser" $s_iridium \ "tor-browser " "Tor Browser for FreeBSD" $s_torbrowser \ "otter-bowser " "Browser based on Qt 5" $s_otterbrowser \ "surf-browser " "Simple Web brower based on WebKit2/GTK" $s_surfbrowser \ "midori " "Midori web browser" $s_midori \ "links " "Lynx-like text WWW browser" $s_links \ "elinks " "Links text WWW browser" $s_elinks \ "lynx " "Non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web Client" $s_lynx 2>$TMPFILE choices=$(sed 's/"//g' < $TMPFILE | tr ' ' '\n') # Install the selected programs. for choice in $choices; do case $choice in "chrome-linux") pkg ins -y wget git cd /tmp git clone https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer.git cd linux-browser-installer* ./linux-browser-installer install chrome cd .. rm -r linux-browser-installer ;; *) pkg ins -y "$choice" ;; esac done # Remove non selected programs for choice in $allchoices; do # Vérifie si le choix est dans la liste des choix sélectionnés if ! echo "$choices" | grep -qw "$choice"; then case $choice in "chrome-linux") pkg ins -y wget git cd /tmp git clone https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer.git cd linux-browser-installer* ./linux-browser-installer deinstall chrome cd .. rm -r linux-browser-installer ;; *) pkg remove -y "$choice" ;; esac fi done rm -f "$TMPFILE" MainMenu } ###################################################################### # 6.2) Mail-Clients_menu Mail-Clients_menu() { # check if applications are already installed or not if [ -x /usr/local/bin/thunderbird ]; then s_thunderbird="on" else s_thunderbird="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/claws-mail ]; then s_clawsmail="on" else s_clawsmail="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/kmail ]; then s_kmail="on" else s_kmail="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/mutt ]; then s_mutt="on" else s_mutt="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/neomutt ]; then s_neomutt="on" else s_neomutt="off" fi # Install usual programs TMPFILE=$(mktemp) allchoices="thunderbird claws-mail kmail mutt neomutt" bsddialog --backtitle "Select programs" \ --title "Installing applications" \ --checklist "Select programs:" 12 70 20 \ "thunderbird " "Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above" $s_thunderbird \ "claws-mail " "Lightweight and featureful GTK based e-mail and news client" $s_clawsmail \ "kmail " "KDE mail client" $s_kmail \ "mutt " "Small but powerful text based program for read/writing e-mail" $s_mutt \ "neomutt " "Bringing together all the Mutt Code" $s_neomutt 2>$TMPFILE choices=$(sed 's/"//g' < $TMPFILE | tr ' ' '\n') # Install the selected programs. for choice in $choices; do pkg ins -y "$choice" done # Remove non selected programs for choice in $allchoices; do # Vérifie si le choix est dans la liste des choix sélectionnés if ! echo "$choices" | grep -qw "$choice"; then pkg remove -y "$choice" fi done rm -f "$TMPFILE" MainMenu } ###################################################################### # 6.3) Easy Package Manager Office-suite_menu() { # check if applications are already installed or not if [ -x /usr/local/bin/libreoffice ]; then s_libreoffice="on" else s_libreoffice="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/abiword ]; then s_abiword="on" else s_abiword="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/openoffice-4.1 ]; then s_openoffice="on" else s_openoffice="off" fi if [ -x /usr/local/bin/r7-office ]; then s_r7office="on" else s_r7office="off" fi # Install usual programs TMPFILE=$(mktemp) allchoices="libreoffice abiword apache-openoffice r7-office" bsddialog --backtitle "Select programs" \ --title "Installing applications" \ --checklist "Select programs:" 11 70 20 \ "libreoffice " "Full integrated office productivity suite" $s_libreoffice \ "abiword " "Open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor" $s_abiword \ "apache-openoffice " "Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadsheet/drawing/chart/browser" $s_openoffice \ "r7-office " "Russian office suite" $s_r7office 2>$TMPFILE choices=$(sed 's/"//g' < $TMPFILE | tr ' ' '\n') # Install the selected programs. for choice in $choices; do pkg ins -y "$choice" done # Remove non selected programs for choice in $allchoices; do # Vérifie si le choix est dans la liste des choix sélectionnés if ! echo "$choices" | grep -qw "$choice"; then pkg remove -y "$choice" fi done rm -f "$TMPFILE" MainMenu } ###################################################################### # 6) Easy Package Manager Package-Manager_menu() { choix=$(bsddialog --clear \ --backtitle "Global-FreeBSD" \ --title "Easy Package-Manager Menu" \ --menu "Select:" \ 17 70 10 \ 1 "Web Browsers" \ 2 "Mail Clients" \ 3 "Office" \ 4 "Multimedia" \ 5 "Network Tools" \ 6 "Web Servers" \ 7 "Mail Servers" \ 8 "XMPP" \ 9 "DNS" \ 10 "SQL" \ 11 "Hypervisor" \ 12 "Webmin" \ 13 "FTP" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $choix in 1) Web-Browsers_menu ;; 2) Mail-Clients_menu ;; 3) Office-suite_menu ;; 3) Multimedia_menu ;; 4) Network-Tools_menu ;; 5) XMPP_menu ;; 6) Web-Servers_menu ;; 7) Mail-Servers_menu ;; 8) XMPP_menu ;; 9) DNS_menu ;; 10) SQL_menu ;; 11) Hypervisor_menu ;; 12) Webmin_menu ;; 13) FTP_menu ;; esac MainMenu } ###################################################################### # 8) Disk management Disk-Management_menu() { choix=$(bsddialog --clear \ --backtitle "Global-FreeBSD" \ --title "Disk Management Menu" \ --menu "Select:" \ 14 70 10 \ 1 "Format a USB device to UFS (one partition)" \ 2 "Format a USB device to FAT32 (one partition)" \ 3 "Format a USB device to NTFS (one partition)" \ 4 "Securely erase a USB device (dd)" \ 5 "Burn an IMAGE.iso on a USB device" \ 6 "Burn an IMAGE.iso on a DVD/BD" \ 7 "Splitting/Rejoining files based on custom size" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $choix in 1) Format-USB-UFS ;; 2) Format-USB-FAT32 ;; 3) Format-USB-NTFS ;; 4) Secure-erase-USB ;; 5) Burn-iso-USB ;; 6) Burn-iso-DVD-BD ;; 7) Split-Rejoin-file ;; esac MainMenu } ###################################################################### # MainMenu MainMenu () { choix=$(bsddialog --clear \ --backtitle "Global-FreeBSD" \ --title "Main Menu" \ --menu "Select your Menu:" \ 16 70 10 \ 1 "Network" \ 2 "Hostname and FQDN" \ 3 "Update your system" \ 4 "Security" \ 5 "Users, Groups and permissions" \ 6 "Easy Package-Manager" \ 7 "Web Server" \ 8 "Disk Management" \ 9 "Desktop Environment" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $choix in 1) Network_menu ;; 2) Hostname-FQDN_menu ;; 3) Update_menu ;; 4) Security_menu ;; 5) Users-Groups-perms_menu ;; 6) Package-Manager_menu ;; 7) Web-Server_menu ;; 8) Disk-Management_menu ;; 9) Desktop-Environment_menu ;; esac } MainMenu